I’m sharing my one and only ULTIMATE PHOTOSHOP BRUSH that I use always for storyboard and doodling for FREE (or you can pay whatever you want). All the sketches from REPLAY VOL.1 were done by this brush, and many storyboards at work have been done by this brush. Feel free to download it, and start drawing!
Long post of sketches from tonight’s stream. Felt like drawing a style guide in response to the positive response to my recent GOTG sketches. I am still developing my style, and it changes constantly, like month to month, but here are some elements that are consistent in my style. Enjoy!
Hey guys, I’ve made some pixel brushes!! I mostly just use gray tones, but sometimes I really miss screentone-like quality when doin’ uh, comic art :D?! I have made both Photoshop and SaiTool version, so I decided to share~
For those who asked, here are better examples of some of the brushes from my new Ultimate Drawing Set for Photoshop. I know the video doesn’t show much, so these images should help a lot!
Please share this with your art friends and happy drawing, everybody!
Your answer to the ask abut The pencil brush Thing was really helpful! i was wondering What other brushes do you use especially the one that looks almost watercolor thats the pink on that one Kataang drawing that was pretty recent? I just love all of your art thanks for the help :D
for the watercolour brush, i use the 42nd brush in mateu7's ink brush set. i don't know how to describe it, but when you load it up in photoshop, it's a circular shape and it's default is 40pt. there's also another watercolour one i like, it's the 40th brush and it looks like a rectangle. i'm sorry, this isn't very clear.
i'll post the brushes i use in entirety another day. i'm actually doing something right now!
what brush do you use for you sketches? its really cool and almost looks two different colors in places, what color do you usually use with it too?
i use the good ol' stumpy pencil! (for outlining and stuff, for the under sketch lines, i just use the default non-photo pencil tool preset in photoshop). specifically, the 6 pt one.
as for the colours, i simply set a colour filled layer to overlay over the lines.
demo (i use photoshop cs6, and i don't know if it would come out the same way as it does here, but you could try) :
alright, you've done your drawing! it would probably be better than mine because santa is missing one eyebrow!
i usually use black or another dark colour for this!
next you find this little button along the tools at the bottom of your layers:
and you'd get a selection list. select "Solid Color..." and you should get a colour selection window pop up. choose your colour! i usually use a red or a darkish-orange:
finally you set the colour layer to overlay and lower the opacity. i usually have a range of 40%-70%, depending on the picture and how much i want people's eyes to hurt.
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