lets jerk off.. together.. take my hand. wait no i need my handfor this sorry
can't stop thinking about this
Sharing the secrets of your hearth with strangers who will never be able to meet or thank you. Honoring the dead through learning their traditions of the home; emulation and exaltation. A good carrot cake.
every time i see a picture of a coyote i am immediately like "omg my friend Cable Ties!"
My friend Cable Ties
the cruelest ant wants to message you?
I logged back into TikTok just to find this video
Video transcript:
I get this comment every single time I talk about Americans don't know geography, and it infuriates me more than the original fact of them not knowing geography.
"We didn't-didn't learn it in school. Our education--The system sucks I know it's upsetting."
Do you think I fuckin' took a class? On a--on a here's every country in the world? No!
The extent of my official geography education was grade 9 geography class coloring in the provinces of-of Canada. That's it!
I know it because it's life, dude. That is… that is the dissonance, that is the disconnect.
Americentrism, it's a cultural thing I've learned. The amount of Americans I've met who do not consume… conversation, life, politics, media, literature, gossip, about non-American things is astounding!
The amount of Americans I've met that did not know the capital of Canada, their neighboring country, is insane!
Because they simply don't think about it.
I know that the, fucking, capital of Algeria is Algiers, not because I learned it in school, 'cause I didn't, because I'm a fucking 24-year-old. And I learned that through life. It's life. It's life, it's the world.
So it's crazy, Americentrism is the craziest phenomenon I've ever experienced. It is wild. It's-it's the world! How do you not know about the world? It's the world. It's life. You learn this through talking to people. Reading books. Media. Oh-[cuts off]
Yeah I don't think even the average conservative voter can defend this one. This is just plain disconnected from reality.
I think this (very Elon-coded) "humor" we're seeing from US government accounts is kind of giving us a glimpse into the true mindset of the ruling class. Sure lots of average people make dark jokes about Epstein but this is different, this is deliberately giving false hope. It shows, again, a remarkable disconnect from reality. It's a joke made by someone who understands there are jokes about Epstein online but who genuinely sees the situation as a joke. Just constantly telling on yourself, Elon
a rotund figure clutching a sweet treat
[video by tommcgovern27. original caption: this one’s going out to anyone living in a studio apartment rn]
haha pretty cool song shame it doesn’t have a keyboard solo that fucks super har-
There has NEVER been a more appropriate time to post this tweet
Here's an article the above quote can be found in.