well maybe sleeping dogs should be more honest
Video of me trying to write the number 3 in professor layton game for 1 minute
No one wants to talk about how intimate jump starting someones car is.
slug’s adventure
Poison Ivy and Lux Interior
you contradict yourself because you contain multitudes. i contradict myself because i am wrong.
DMC Color Key: ■ 310 Black ■ 341 Blue Violet Light ■ 3790 Beige Gray Ultra Dark ■ 3826 Golden Brown
Dimensions: 205 by 121 stitches. Font: 'Contra.ttf' by Patrick Adams. Border: Adapted from 'The Priscilla Counted Cross Stitch Book no. 2', 1912, edited by Ethelyn Jones. Courtesy of the Antique Pattern Library.
beep! beep! I'm a bot that makes samplers out of tumblr posts and my own sets of custom and vintage borders.
man who opened a parenthesis he forgot to close 4 years ago is tragically unaware everything he's said since has been an aside
Horn Violets - Thomas Schiela , 2023.
German , b. 1966 -
Watercolour on canvas, 130 x 170 cm.