“Samantha is a very cunning and bald eleven year old girl who is going to attend her first year in hogwarts in 1975, the fifth year of Severus Snape and the Marauders. She cannot wait to finally meet other wizards of her age since her muggle father made her attend muggles’ school for years. Her mother and two sisters are supporting her the best they can but she doesn’t have ideia what is waiting for her on the most fantastic school in UK.”
Hi guys this is my first fanfic ever, it will not alter the canon of the HP saga, just tell the story of a third party who wants to be great while watching big things happen around her. I’m also thinking in turning this into an comic book. I am not a writter nor a native english speaker, I also read less books in EN than I wanted to. Please read it with care. Reviews, tips and comments are really welcome! Here is the first unfinished part of the first unfinished chapter:
Dear Diary, I’ve finally turned 11 today, but my letter to Hogwarts has not arrived yet. I’m starting to get worried but mom said not to be, since we live so far from Scotland maybe the owl was late. I hope not. I can’t sleep thinking about going to school, dad made me attend muggles’ school for too long, but it’s finally my birthday and I’ll never have to deal with them ever again. Dad is different; he doesn’t call me a freak.
Samantha stared to the sky from her window, sitting on her desk in the bedroom she shares with her sister, thinking about the nice day she had. Joanne, her mother alongside with Diego, her father, bought her a brand new CleanSweep Six. Nina, her younger sister, found her a small wishing stone, which she held all day long. And Thea, her older sister, had not come to her birthday but said that would be with her on her departure to Hogwarts.
While staring through the black crossed window pane, she saw a brown blur cutting the night sky. The blur got closer and closer, so fast that Samantha only realized what it was when it was too late. The brown feathered owl crashed into the window sending broken glass all over the place and falling on Samantha’s legs. Samantha was frightened, but as she realized what was the owl holding excitement fulfilled her. It was her letter to the Wizarding School of Hogwarts.
Samantha looked at the owl and checked if it was alive, since it was not moving and with lots of feathers missing. While her parents came running into the bedroom to see what happened the owl stand up shaking its head dropping the letter, shards of glass falling from the few feathers it had. As the owl didn’t look any hurt, just really ugly, Samantha picked up the letter and with joy in her eyes said, looking to her parents:
- Look what I got!
Diego and Joanne seemed relieved while Nina was still asleep and snoring.
Tuesday, September 2, 1975.
Dear diary, it’s less than a week for me to start my first year in Hogwarts, I am excited, frightened and anxious about everything regarding it. I try to be strong but not talking to Nina every night before sleep will be harsh. I know we fight more than we should but dad says that fights are good to align different opinions. I don’t know where “she ate my cookie” is a different opinion but it tasted really nice. Well about the house, not being selected to Gryffindor, HufflePuff or Ravenclaw will be very nice. I know mom’s Gryffindor and Thea’s Ravenclaw and they would be proud if I was one of them, but Slytherin is where my heart is, I can’t imagine myself having to decipher any enigma to enter my bedroom, even more being sleepy, or having to compete with the students of my house to see who’s the best at being regular… At least I already know where I’m going to. I hope.
Well, at least I already got my books (that I’m trying not to read) my clothing (that I’m trying not to wear) and my wand (that I already used to almost blind Nina, and dad forbid me to touch it again till I’m in Hogwarts). I was thinking about taking a cat with me but pets are sooooo difficult to take care of, I’d rather take a fish if I could…
One week later, Samantha was prepared to attend her first year at the magical castle of Hogwarts, she hadn’t sleep the night before so she couldn’t stop yawning, her bags were ready for the past three days and she couldn’t find her wand anywhere.
- NINAAAAA, did you take my bloody wand again?!! Samantha roughly asked.
- Don’t you want me to go you stupid thing??
- SAMANTHA!! Called Joanne.
- WHERE IS IT NINAAAA?? Said Samantha while running after Nina.
- NOOOOOOO! Desperately shout Nina running from Samantha.
- ENOUGH!! Said Joanne with an imposing pose.
- ACCIO WAND! Joanne spelled with her wand in hand.
Samantha’s wand flew from inside Nina’s Teddy Bear right to Joanne’s hand.
- Oh Nina… I know you’re sad Sam’s going to Hogwarts, but in a few years so will you! And yes muggles’ school is not as fun but you have all your friends there…
Nina started crying helplessly while Diego opened the front door, He started:
- Hon, I got the car going, ready when you… Oh what happened?
- Just a classic case of sister not wanting to say goodbye. Samantha Replied.
- Well you did just the same when Thea went on her fifth year. Joanne said.