Flat-color commission of Strikes-From-Skies, an important Dragonborn-esque NPC in the client's dark-and-delightful DnD campaign! Given Strikes's name, I wanted some kind of aerial pose, and had great fun scribbling all sorts of jumping, twisting poses until I landed on this one.
You make Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling look so good in your art style. It makes me so incredibly happy whenever I see them. Jiang Cheng especially. You make them so pretty I just wanna cry about it
It makes ME incredibly happy to draw them! Thank you so much for enjoying my art of them. :D
Papercraft Akutagawa! It'd been a while since I last made him, and I had a great time revisiting his design and choosing papers for him (and then figuring out how to render the paper for his hair white at the tips!). He is SO mad and I find it SO endearing. :D
A wealth of Jiang Chengs! One of these has been made into papercraft; there's a rad holographic paper for Zidian and JC's robe is SO VIBRANT ⚡️
A papercraft gift for a dear friend! These are her two cats, dressed in their respective Halloween costumes as a (feline) princess and (feline but feline in a different way than his everyday self) lion. I thought these photos were the cutest things in the world when I first saw them, so papercraft versions seemed a fitting gift for my friend's birthday!
Assorted MDZS mini papercraft sets from the holiday sale! I tried some new character combos that time around. ^_^
Papercraft commission of the client's gorgeous fairy character Cece! I was so excited when I first saw the ref drawings of her - her shimmery wings and the petal-like, semitransparent layers of her outfit seemed like they'd be enormously fun to depict in paper. And they were!
Flat-color commission of the client's characters, BFFs Jenks and Bug! I was SO charmed by their designs - the fashion! The wings!! The pastels!!! Plus the sweet friendship vibes were super soothing. Everything about this one was delightful!
Convention time!
Hey there, my lovelies! Once again this year, I'm returning to Captain's Comic Expo in Mt. Pleasant, SC on February 22nd-23rd! This con has a lot of local artists and a relaxed vibe, and I look forward to it every year. Stop by my table to snag papercraft, prints, zines, and other art!
This weekend! \o/
Papercraft wedding commission! Congrats to the couple! 🌸
The reference photos were SO lovely, and the one this piece was most heavily based on was a particularly delightful pose - I just love the parallel of the couple's kiss and the pups' nuzzling each other. Adorable!
Sandu Shengshou!! ⚡️
Rita and Dio doodle! Happy Valentine's Day 2025 from Tall Mech-Pilot Girlfriend and Small Mechanic Boyfriend 💕
Wicked mini papercraft! I saw the movie with a friend (big Wicked fan) and my mom (never seen anything to do with Wicked). The movie was beautifully done, AND it was really fun to whisper gleefully to my friend on one side over upcoming plot developments while, on the other side, hearing my mom gasp and be surprised by everything!
Convention time!
Hey there, my lovelies! Once again this year, I'm returning to Captain's Comic Expo in Mt. Pleasant, SC on February 22nd-23rd! This con has a lot of local artists and a relaxed vibe, and I look forward to it every year. Stop by my table to snag papercraft, prints, zines, and other art!
Flat-color commission of the client's characters Maya and Jasper (fashionable, adorable, delightfully married and delighted to be married)! I loved their designs and fashion senses so much, and hence put my all into drawing the clothes and pose - I wanted the final drawing to look a little bit romance-novel-esque. Positively swoonworthy! 💕
Papercraft commission of Fang Duobing from Mysterious Lotus Casebook! I continue to be delighted every time someone requests that I make a beautifully-dressed cdrama character; I had a huge smile to match Fang Duobing's the whole time I was making him. :D
Papercraft commission of the client's Pathfinder character Vio, performing a beautiful sword dance to celebrate his goddess Sarenrae! The swords are dipped in tar and then set on fire. :D It's a fantastic visual, so I was really excited! I spent a lot of time deciding what papers to use for the flames, and I'm happy I went with this gold-paper-plus-orange-ink combo, as the flames look like they're glowing irl!