GIF Posting Schedule
Currently on a semi-hiatus
Currently Posting: - The Mighty Boosh (2004-07) - There She Goes series 2
@winter-seance /
Currently on a semi-hiatus
Currently Posting: - The Mighty Boosh (2004-07) - There She Goes series 2
✧❈✧ The Addams Family ✧❈✧ ➛ 1.22 - "Amnesia in the Addams Family"
Kinda just want to apologize for lack of new gifs lately, I got kind of burnt out with it so I was just posting gifsets I'd already made that were saved in my drafts folder.
Last week I was starting to feel motivated to start back up again but then my dog passed away unexpectedly yesterday morning and it's completely wrecked me, I have zero energy or motivation to do anything at all.
So... I'm sure I will be back posting new gifs at some point but it may be a little while. <3
Dear tumblr,
I am really tired of seeing the ads with the guy with the built-in fleshy hat.
Thank you.
i’m so fucking tired of having to say this but please, i am begging you. don’t reblog my gifs if you’re going to use the tags to complain, write negative opinions, or backhanded compliments about the person in the gifs I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO done putting time into making gifs just for people to use them as an outlet to bitch and moan about stuff like the clothes, the hair, the WHATEVER. you can have your opinions but write them in a your own post and not under a creator’s work oh my fucking god how is this so hard to understand
The Mighty Boosh (2004-07) 2.05 The Legend of Old Gregg
An asado, anywhere in South America
Salem Witch Trials Memorial, Salem, Massachusetts, USA.
The Mighty Boosh (2004-07) 2.05 The Legend of Old Gregg
The Mighty Boosh (2004-07) 2.05 The Legend of Old Gregg
The Mighty Boosh (2004-07) 2.05 The Legend of Old Gregg
School Spirits (2023-25) 2.05 Ghost Who's Coming to Dinner
School Spirits (2023-25) 2.05 Ghost Who's Coming to Dinner