consider three apples. now consider what "three" means in the absence of any apples, a three totally divorced from quantity. and consider that when you aren't looking, the numbers fuck each other
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Blue Roof Tops - Junichiro Sekino , 1970.
Japanese , 1914-1988
Woodblock print on paper , 27.38 x 18.38 in.
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A rare moment during the process of coral bleaching
Source: darksideoftheshroom
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On the summit of the volcanic Mount Zao in Japan, about 220 miles north of Tokyo, an unusual natural phenomenon gives birth to snowy, monster-like figures every year.
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Stabbing open a cold one with the boys.
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Statue of the goddess Aphrodite bathing in the garden of the Reggia di Caserta, Italy.
Strange Beauty, Zac Henderson
Source: 389
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Vladimir Kush (Russian Artist, born 1965)
"Stealthy Night", 2022.
Oil on Canvas, 54 × 34.75 inches.
Private Collection.
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Philip Govedare - Excavation #14, 2022 - Oil on canvas
“Swimming in Crimson” - Two boys contrast against the surreal red of Lake Retba, a natural marvel in Senegal known for its vivid hue.