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Kato USA - 176-7615-S - Locomotive, Diesel, EMD SD70M - Union Pacific - 4364

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N Scale - Kato USA - 176-7615-S - Locomotive, Diesel, EMD SD70M - Union Pacific - 4364 Image Courtesy of Kato USA
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Production TypeAnnounced
Stock Number176-7615-S
Original Retail Price$335.00
BrandKato USA
Body StyleKato Diesel Engine SD-70 (ACe, M, and MAC)
PrototypeLocomotive, Diesel, EMD SD70M
Road or Company NameUnion Pacific (Details)
Road or Reporting Number4364
Paint Color(s)Yellow & Grey
Print Color(s)Red, White, Blue, Black
Coupler TypeKato Operating Knuckle
Coupler MountBody-Mount
Wheel TypeChemically Blackened Metal
Wheel ProfileSmall Flange (Low Profile)
DCC ReadinessDC/DCC Dual Mode Decoder w/Sound
Announcement Date2022-10-11
Release Date2023-04-24
Item CategoryLocomotives
Model TypeDiesel
Model SubtypeEMD
Model VarietySD70M

Specific Item Information: Flat Radiator
Model Information: Kato introduced the SD70 model in 2003. The first version was the SD70MAC. They followed up in 2005 with the SD70M. In 2006 they added the 'Flat Radiator' SD70M version. In 2009 they introduced the SD70ACe and revised the SD70M. All versions of this model share the same internal mechanism and only show minor differences in the shell. The internal mechanism was heavily revised/evolved in the 2009 release.

The revised versions are typical modern Kato release with a split-frame design, dual flywheels, chemically-blackened wheels and up-gradable to DCC with a drop-in decoder. They pull well and run quietly. The have very nice details like separately applied (rather than molded) hoses. Due the the 6-axle configuration, they do not run well in curves of less than 11 inches.
DCC Information: Models accept the following plug-in decoders:
- Digitrax DN163K1C: 1 Amp N Scale Mobile Decoder for Kato N scale SD40-2 locos made from year 2006 onward.
- Digitrax SDN144K1E: 1 Amp N Scale SoundFX/Mobile/FX3 Function Decoder for Kato SD40-2 and similar locos.
- TCS K1D4: 4 Function Drop-In for Kato N-Scale EMD SD40, EMD SD70MAC, EMD SD70/75M, GE C44-9W, GE AC4400W, Athearn F45.
- TCS K1D4-NC: 4 Function Drop-In for Kato N-Scale EMD SD70ACe, EMD SD70M, EMD SD40-2, and GG1.
- MRC 1644-2: N-Scale Sound Decoder for Kato SD70MAC & AC4400
- MRC 1960: N-Scale Sound Decoder for Kato SD45/SD70MAC/AC4400
Road Name History:
The Union Pacific Railroad (reporting mark UP) is a freight hauling railroad that operates 8,500 locomotives over 32,100 route-miles in 23 states west of Chicago, Illinois and New Orleans, Louisiana. The Union Pacific Railroad network is the largest in the United States and employs 42,600 people. It is also one of the world's largest transportation companies.

Union Pacific Railroad is the principal operating company of Union Pacific Corporation (NYSE: UNP); both are headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska. Over the years Union Pacific Corporation has grown by acquiring other railroads, notably the Missouri Pacific, Chicago & North Western, Western Pacific, Missouri-Kansas-Texas, and the Southern Pacific (including the Denver & Rio Grande Western).

Union Pacific Corporation's main competitor is the BNSF Railway, the nation's second largest freight railroad, which also primarily services the Continental U.S. west of the Mississippi River. Together, the two railroads have a duopoly on all transcontinental freight rail lines in the U.S.

Read more on Wikipedia and on Union Pacific official website.
Brand/Importer Information:
KATO U.S.A. was established in 1986, with the first U.S. locomotive model (the GP38-2, in N-Scale) released in 1987. Since that time, KATO has come to be known as one of the leading manufacturers of precision railroad products for the modeling community. KATO's parent company, Sekisui Kinzoku Co., Ltd., is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan.

In addition to producing ready-to-run HO and N scale models that are universally hailed for their high level of detail, craftsmanship and operation, KATO also manufactures UNITRACK. UNITRACK is the finest rail & roadbed modular track system available to modelers today. With the track and roadbed integrated into a single piece, UNITRACK features a nickel-silver rail and a realistic-looking roadbed. Patented UNIJOINERS allow sections to be snapped together quickly and securely, time after time if necessary.

The Kato U.S.A. office and warehouse facility is located in Schaumburg, Illinois, approximately 30 miles northwest of Chicago. All research & development of new North American products is performed here, in addition to the sales and distribution of merchandise to a vast network of wholesale representatives and retail dealers. Models requiring service sent in by hobbyists are usually attended to at this location as well. The manufacturing of all KATO products is performed in Japan.

Supporters of KATO should note that there is currently no showroom or operating exhibit of models at the Schaumburg facility. Furthermore, model parts are the only merchandise sold directly to consumers. (Please view the Parts Catalog of this website for more specific information.)
Item created by: CNW400 on 2022-10-11 23:08:00

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