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Does not fit curved bell neck...Cheap plastic ends...
@Daviday87 31.01.2020
Wanted to buy this because my tenor cleaning set is too big for my curved bell soprano...and this one works for the body but not the neck. Too bad. Other than that the cloth does what it needs to do but the plastic ends are cheap materials with weak glue that came undone after three uses...Not the end of the world, but I am better off using an old rag tied with a shoestring.
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Shaft John 11.04.2018
Very nice! I am very satisfied with this product! The container they come in makes it very easy to fold them up and take them with me, and not keep them damp in the case with the sax. I can let them dry when i get home. They are washable, but i think i will wash them by hand, because they seem to have a tenancy to make small lumps of material and i think machine washing them would be a no-no.