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32 ingresssi e 16 aux
Preamplificatori Midas
Adatta sia a mixer x32 che M32.
Prodotto perfetto, arrivato e montato su un rack small a 3 unità per facilitare il trasporto e portare sul palco 32 ch in modo agevole.
Segnala un abuso
Segnala un abuso
check one 27.08.2024
Pre molto buoni, leggera e versatile.
Utilizzabile anche con Behringer X32 🤙
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
DL 32 alongside X32 compact
Anonimo 05.07.2016
I bought the DL 32 alongside a X32 compact to give me the full channel count and also the slightly better Midas Pre Amps!
The DL32 couples up seamlessly with the X32 compact, to give me the full 32ins and 16outs that i needed down a single cat 5 cable
There were no problems getting the DL 32 working with the X32 just a case of selecting the routing options within the X32 and its just works!
The build quality seems good and i haven't had any problems so far, all ins and out are on quality neutrik connectors so should last forever!
I think this is a great stage box especially for X32 users, as for just a little bit more money over the S32 you are getting pro quality pre amps added to your Behringer Board.