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On this page you can find the meaning of the different icons used in the portal in an informative way. They can be used as a complement to the recorded temperatures and data.
Here you can consult information on atmospheric symbols, wind, UV indices and our main recommendations for your safety.
Atmospheric symbols
High clouds
Scattered clouds
Partly cloudy
Dust haze with clear skies
Dust haze with cloudy skies
Dry thunderstorm with partly cloudy skies
Dry thunderstorm with cloudy skies
Light rain with partly cloudy skies
Light rain with cloudy skies
Moderate rain with partly cloudy skies
Moderate rain with cloudy skies
Dust rain with partly cloudy skies
Dust rain with cloudy skies
Freezing rain with partly cloudy skies
Freezing rain with cloudy skies
Rain and snow with partly cloud skies
Rain and snow with cloudy skies
Dust rain and snow with partly cloudy skies
Dust rain and snow with cloudy skies
Snow with partly cloudy skies
Snow with cloudy skies
Dust snow with partly cloudy skies
Dust snow with cloudy skies
Heavy rain with partly cloudy skies
Heavy rain with cloudy skies
Heavy Rain and snow with partly cloudy skies
Heavy Rain and snow with cloudy skies
Heavy snow with partly cloudy skies
Heavy snow with cloudy skies
Thunderstorm with partly cloudy skies
Thunderstorm with cloudy skies
Hail with partly cloudy skies
Hail with cloudy skies
Thunderstorm with hail and partly cloudy skies
Thunderstorm with hail and cloudy skies
Dust storm
Clear skies
High clouds
Scattered clouds
Partly cloudy
Dust haze with clear skies
Dust haze with cloudy skies
Dry thunderstorm with partly cloudy skies
Dry thunderstorm with cloudy skies
Light rain with partly cloudy skies
Light rain with cloudy skies
Moderate rain with partly cloudy skies
Moderate rain with cloudy skies
Dust rain with partly cloudy skies
Dust rain with cloudy skies
Freezing rain with partly cloudy skies
Freezing rain with cloudy skies
Rain and snow with partly cloud skies
Rain and snow with cloudy skies
Dust rain and snow with partly cloudy skies
Dust rain and snow with cloudy skies
Snow with partly cloudy skies
Snow with cloudy skies
Dust snow with partly cloudy skies
Dust snow with cloudy skies
Heavy rain with partly cloudy skies
Heavy rain with cloudy skies
Heavy Rain and snow with partly cloudy skies
Heavy Rain and snow with cloudy skies
Heavy snow with partly cloudy skies
Heavy snow with cloudy skies
Thunderstorm with partly cloudy skies
Thunderstorm with cloudy skies
Hail with partly cloudy skies
Hail with cloudy skies
Thunderstorm with hail and partly cloudy skies
Thunderstorm with hail and cloudy skies
Dust storm