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Di dunia yang dihuni pelbagai haiwan, keinginan pemangsa seekor serigala lemah lembut terbangkit sementara sekolahnya menangani pembunuhan.

Series Cast

  1. Sayaka Senbongi as Haru (voice), Cat (voice), Haru (Flashback) (voice), Radio DJ (voice), and Alpaca (voice)

    Sayaka Senbongi

    Haru (voice), Cat (voice), Haru (Flashback) (voice), Radio DJ (voice) and 1 more...

    40 Episodes

  2. Chikahiro Kobayashi as Legoshi (voice)

    Chikahiro Kobayashi

    Legoshi (voice)

    36 Episodes

  3. Yuki Ono as Louis (voice)

    Yuki Ono

    Louis (voice)

    36 Episodes

  4. Fukushi Ochiai as Sanu (voice), Jinma (voice), Elephant (voice), Marisson School Director (voice), Dog (voice), Cheetah (voice), Teacher (voice), and Shishigumi (voice)

    Fukushi Ochiai

    Sanu (voice), Jinma (voice), Elephant (voice), Marisson School Director (voice) and 4 more...

    22 Episodes

  5. Sayumi Watabe as Els (voice), School Broadcast (voice), Flying Squirrel (voice), Hen (voice), Squirrel (voice), Flamingo (voice), and Public Affairs Manager (voice)

    Sayumi Watabe

    Els (voice), School Broadcast (voice), Flying Squirrel (voice), Hen (voice) and 3 more...

    18 Episodes

  6. Junya Enoki as Jack (voice), Mizuchi's Boyfriend (voice), and Fudge (voice)

    Junya Enoki

    Jack (voice), Mizuchi's Boyfriend (voice), Fudge (voice)

    16 Episodes

  7. Naoto Kobayashi as Durham (voice), Tao (voice), Black Leopard (voice), Buffalo (voice), and Tiger (voice)

    Naoto Kobayashi

    Durham (voice), Tao (voice), Black Leopard (voice), Buffalo (voice) and 1 more...

    15 Episodes

  8. Genki Muro as Dom (voice), Iguana (voice), and Zoe (voice)

    Genki Muro

    Dom (voice), Iguana (voice), Zoe (voice)

    14 Episodes

  9. Yuichi Iguchi as Kibi (voice), Audience (voice), Anteater (voice), and Public Affairs Department Manager (voice)

    Yuichi Iguchi

    Kibi (voice), Audience (voice), Anteater (voice), Public Affairs Department Manager (voice)

    14 Episodes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Current Season

Musim Terakhir


2024 • 12 Episodes

Sementara Louis dan Haru menyesuaikan kehidupan baharu di universiti, Legoshi menarik perhatian BEASTAR yang memerlukan bantuannya untuk menangkap penjenayah yang kejam.

Tragedi di Ombak

(3x12, December 5, 2024) Mid-Season Finale

View All Seasons



Status Returning Series


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Type Scripted

Original Language Japanese


Content Score 


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