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2018 • 8 Episódios

A 0.ª temporada de Yuru Camp estreou a 28 março 2018.

1.ª Temporada

1.ª Temporada

2018 • 12 Episódios

A 1.ª temporada de Yuru Camp estreou a 4 janeiro 2018.

While the perfect getaway for most girls her age might be a fancy vacation with their loved ones, Rin Shima's ideal way of spending her days off is camping alone at the base of Mount Fuji. From pitching her tent to gathering firewood, she has always done everything by herself, and has no plans of leaving her little solitary world.

However, what starts off as one of Rin's usual camping sessions somehow ends up as a surprise get-together for two when the lost Nadeshiko Kagamihara is forced to take refuge at her campsite. And even after Nadeshiko's sister finally picks her up later that night, both girls silently ponder the possibility of another camping trip together.

2.ª Temporada

2.ª Temporada

2021 • 13 Episódios

A 2.ª temporada de Yuru Camp estreou a 7 janeiro 2021.

Having spent Christmas camping with her new friends, Rin Shima embarks on a solo-camping trip to see the New Year sunrise by the sea. All goes according to plan until unforeseen weather blocks the roads back home, making a return trip impossible. Rin, who is now stranded for a few days, is invited by Nadeshiko Kagamihara to stay at her grandmother's house.

What is supposed to be a two-day trip becomes an extended period of sightseeing and new experiences for Rin, and she encounters some new and old faces along the way. Yuru Camp△ Season 2 continues the story of Rin, Nadeshiko, and their friends as they further explore the joys of camping.

3.ª Temporada

3.ª Temporada

2024 • 12 Episódios

A 3.ª temporada de Yuru Camp estreou a 4 abril 2024.

Within the narrow walls of the Outdoor Activities Club room, the few but lively members carry on the camping spirit as they have fun with DIY club experiments. Exciting experiences such as these have brought Nadeshiko Kagamihara deep into the world of camping, making her want to once again go on a solo trip.

However, other plans come first, as Ayano Toki and Rin Shima invite Nadeshiko to camp near Ooi River. Eager to go on their first journey together, the girls set off to forge precious memories that will stick with their hearts for years to come.

4.ª Temporada

— • 1 Episódio

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