Perkemahan Santai△ (2018)
Perkemahan yang dilakukan gadis luar ruangan
Kilasan Singkat
Nadeshiko, seorang siswa sekolah menengah yang telah pindah dari Shizuoka ke Yamanashi, memutuskan untuk melihat Gunung Fuji yang terkenal dengan uang 1000 yen. Meskipun dia berhasil bersepeda sampai ke Motosu, dia terpaksa kembali karena cuaca yang memburuk. Tidak dapat mengarahkan pandangannya ke tujuannya, dia tertidur di tengah perjalanannya. Ketika dia bangun, di saat malam, di tempat yang belum pernah dia kunjungi sebelumnya, tanpa tahu bagaimana cara pulang. Nadeshiko diselamatkan ketika dia bertemu Rin, seorang gadis yang sedang berkemah sendirian. Kisah gadis luar ruangan ini dimulai dengan pertemuan pertama antara Nadeshiko dan Rin.
Series Cast
Nadeshiko Kagamihara (voice)
44 Episode
Aoi Inuyama (voice), Pinecone / Red Chili (voice), Tomato / Recipe Book / Sandwich / Bicycle (voice), Railcars / Skeleton / Bridge / Dam / Rocks / Tunnels / Motorcycles (voice)
44 Episode
Rin Shima (voice)
43 Episode
Chiaki 'Aki' Ogaki (voice)
40 Episode
Ena Saito (voice)
39 Episode
Narration (voice), Hajime Shinshiro / Narration (voice), Hajime Shinshiro (voice)
35 Episode
Minami Toba (voice)
20 Episode
Sakura Kagamihara (voice)
17 Episode
Saki Shima (voice)
10 Episode
Season Terakhir
- Original Air Date
- Original Air Date
- Yuru Camp (Production)
Musim ke 3
Within the narrow walls of the Outdoor Activities Club room, the few but lively members carry on the camping spirit as they have fun with DIY club experiments. Exciting experiences such as these have brought Nadeshiko Kagamihara deep into the world of camping, making her want to once again go on a solo trip. However, other plans come first, as Ayano Toki and Rin Shima invite Nadeshiko to camp near Ooi River. Eager to go on their first journey together, the girls set off to forge precious memories that will stick with their hearts for years to come.
April 2nd: Cherry Blossom Camp Trip
(3x12, Juni 20, 2024) Season FinaleUmum
Nama Asli ゆるキャン△
Status Berlanjut
Jenis Scripted
Bahasa Ucapan Jepang
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