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Broadcast TV drama NHK broadcast on January 4 to December 13, 1987 (Showa 62). In the questionnaire survey conducted by NHK, it is shining in the most favorite river drama.

The original is Yamaka Sosaichi's novel "Date Masamune", the biggest drama on the theme of the Date house was the first time in 17 years since the "Shinnogi remained" (1970), which painted Datejo in the Edo period. It depicts the life of Matsudo Date of Sengoku warrior · Date Masamune who built the foundation of Sendai clan 620,000 stones in his generation as a result of my own wisdom and talent.

Series Cast

  1. Junko Sakurada as 愛姫i愛姬

    Junko Sakurada

    愛姫, 愛姬

    100 epizoda

  2. Tomokazu Miura as 伊達成實

    Tomokazu Miura


    100 epizoda

  3. Ken Watanabe as 伊達政宗

    Ken Watanabe


    50 epizoda

  4. Teruhiko Saigō as 片倉小十郎

    Teruhiko Saigō


    50 epizoda

  5. Kinya Kitaoji as 伊達輝宗

    Kinya Kitaoji


    50 epizoda

  6. Keiko Takeshita as 片倉喜多

    Keiko Takeshita


    50 epizoda

  7. Shima Iwashita as

    Shima Iwashita

    50 epizoda

  8. Kanako Higuchi as Kanako Higuchi

    Kanako Higuchi

    Kanako Higuchi

    50 epizoda

  9. Masahiro Takashima as

    Masahiro Takashima

    50 epizoda

  10. Vidi više

Kompletna postava i ekipa

Zadnja sezona

Season 1

1987 • 50 epizoda

Season 1 of Masamune Shogun premiered on 4 siječanj 1987.

Peaceful Death

(1x50, 13 prosinac 1987) Season Finale

Pogledaj sve sezone

Masamune Shogun
Masamune Shogun


Izvorno Ime 独眼竜政宗

Status Završeno


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