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Disponível Neste Momento

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Kiyotaka Ayanokoji has just enrolled at Tokyo Koudo Ikusei Senior High School, where it's said that 100% of students go on to college or find employment. But he ends up in Class 1-D, which is full of all the school's problem children.

What's more, every month, the school awards students points with a cash value of 100,000 yen, and the classes employ a laissez-faire policy in which talking, sleeping, and even sabotage are permitted during class.

One month later, Ayanokoji, Horikita, and the students of Class D learn the truth of the system in place within their school...

Elenco da Série

  1. Shoya Chiba as Kiyotaka Ayanokoji (voice)

    Shoya Chiba

    Kiyotaka Ayanokoji (voice)

    39 Episódios

  2. Akari Kito as Suzune Horikita (voice)

    Akari Kito

    Suzune Horikita (voice)

    38 Episódios

  3. Ayana Taketatsu as Kei Karuizawa (voice)

    Ayana Taketatsu

    Kei Karuizawa (voice)

    38 Episódios

  4. Yurika Kubo as Kikyo Kushida (voice)

    Yurika Kubo

    Kikyo Kushida (voice)

    38 Episódios

  5. Mao Ichimichi as Airi Sakura (voice)

    Mao Ichimichi

    Airi Sakura (voice)

    38 Episódios

  6. Ryota Osaka as Yosuke Hirata (voice)

    Ryota Osaka

    Yosuke Hirata (voice)

    38 Episódios

  7. Eiji Takeuchi as Ken Sudo (voice)

    Eiji Takeuchi

    Ken Sudo (voice)

    38 Episódios

  8. Mutsuki Iwanaka as Haruki Yamauchi (voice)

    Mutsuki Iwanaka

    Haruki Yamauchi (voice)

    38 Episódios

  9. Daiki Abe as Kanji Ike (voice)

    Daiki Abe

    Kanji Ike (voice)

    38 Episódios

  10. Ver Mais

Todo o elenco e equipa técnica

Última Temporada

Season 3


2024 • 13 Episódios

With the start of the third term, Ayanokouji and his classmates, who have been promoted from Class D to Class C, head off for school camp. They will take part in a special test called "Mixed Training Camp," where all grades are combined. As the name implies, the test is divided by gender, and several groups are made up of mixed classes and graded based on a group basis. They have to cooperate with students from classes with whom they had been competing against each other as enemies to obtain a high score. Above all, they are horrified by the rule that students from groups that fail to reach the borderline will be expelled. The curtain on the turbulent third semester of the school year is about to rise!

Love is the best teacher.

(3x13, 27 março 2024) Season Finale

Ver Todas as Temporadas

Classroom of the Elite
Classroom of the Elite


Título Original ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ

Estado Renovada


  • Ver mais Séries da AT-X

Tipo Argumento escrito

Idioma Original Japonês


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