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Disponível Neste Momento na Crunchyroll Amazon Channel

Disponível Neste Momento

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In most ordinary high schools, many stories and rumors float around—some scandalous, some happy and some...more macabre. One such example is of monsters lurking in an abandoned mansion outside of town. Such tales, however, prove too tempting to resist for Hiroshi and his friends Mika, Takeshi, and Takurou. They decide to brave the rumored dangers in order to investigate the manor and complete a test of courage. Each of them approaches the mansion with an overwhelming sense of dread. And when they enter, they come upon a blue monster named Ao Oni who attacks them.

As Hiroshi and his friends try to solve the various puzzles in the mansion and escape their new blue nemesis, they find themselves meeting several horrible endings as they fail miserably.

Elenco da Série

  1. Ryota Osaka as Hiroshi

    Ryota Osaka


    13 Episódios

  2. Eri Kitamura as Mika

    Eri Kitamura


    13 Episódios

  3. Shuta Morishima as Takeshi

    Shuta Morishima


    13 Episódios

  4. Takahiro Mizushima as Takurou

    Takahiro Mizushima


    13 Episódios

  5. Hiroki Touchi as Narration

    Hiroki Touchi


    13 Episódios

Todo o elenco e equipa técnica

Última Temporada

Season 1

2016 • 13 Episódios

Based on the horror game Ao Oni by noprops. On the outskirts of town stands an abandoned house where ghosts are rumored to appear. Hiroshi and his classmates Takurou, Takeshi, and Mika pay the house a visit, only to be attacked by a bizarre monster, the Blue Devil. Will Hiroshi and his friends succeed in answering riddles and escaping the house, or are they doomed to live hilarious lives forever with the Blue Devil in the haunted house?! The courage-testing life of these four friends begins with the Blue Devil who continues to entertain even after death.

Trapped for 70 Years

(1x13, 9 janeiro 2017) Season Finale

Ver Todas as Temporadas

Ao Oni The Blue Monster
Ao Oni The Blue Monster


Título Original あおおに ~じ・あにめぇしょん~

Estado Terminada


  • Ver mais Séries da TV Tokyo

Tipo Argumento escrito

Idioma Original Japonês


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