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In a world where both men and monsters exist. Those who hunt the monsters are called Hunters. But in a small corner of the Hunter's world, there are those called Riders who bond with and coexist with monsters. With their Kizuna Ishi (Bonding Stones) that allow them to awaken the hidden power inside monsters, Riders live in secrecy together with their Otomon, the monsters they formed a connection with. Ryuto, a young boy living in the Rider village of Hakum, dreams of becoming the world's best Rider. Having just turned 12, he sets out to find his own Otomon for himself before the ceremony where he is given his own Kizuna Ishi. Together with his kind-hearted childhood friend Cheval, his inquisitive childhood friend Lilia, and his partner Naville, he sets out deep into the forest, and has a miraculous encounter with a Rathalos.

Elenco da Série

  1. Tomokazu Sugita as Rivret (voice)

    Tomokazu Sugita

    Rivret (voice)

    75 Episódios

  2. Tetsuo Goto as Village Chief Omuna (voice)

    Tetsuo Goto

    Village Chief Omuna (voice)

    75 Episódios

  3. Mutsumi Tamura as Ryūto (voice)

    Mutsumi Tamura

    Ryūto (voice)

    75 Episódios

  4. Ryota Osaka as Shuval (voice)

    Ryota Osaka

    Shuval (voice)

    75 Episódios

  5. Nana Mizuki as Simone (voice)

    Nana Mizuki

    Simone (voice)

    75 Episódios

  6. Jun'ichi Yanagita as Dan (voice)

    Jun'ichi Yanagita

    Dan (voice)

    75 Episódios

  7. Yui Makino as Ayuria (voice)

    Yui Makino

    Ayuria (voice)

    75 Episódios

  8. Michiyo Murase as Hyoro (voice)

    Michiyo Murase

    Hyoro (voice)

    75 Episódios

Todo o elenco e equipa técnica

Última Temporada

Season 1

2016 • 75 Episódios

A 1.ª temporada de Monster Hunter Stories: Ride On estreou a 2 outubro 2016.


(1x75, 1 abril 2018) Season Finale

Ver Todas as Temporadas

Monster Hunter Stories: Ride On
Monster Hunter Stories: Ride On


Título Original モンスターハンター ストーリーズ RIDE ON

Estado Terminada


  • Ver mais Séries da Fuji TV

Tipo Argumento escrito

Idioma Original Japonês


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