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Epizody 12

As the land god of the Mikage Shrine, Nanami is invited to the annual gathering of the gods in Izumo, but on the one condition that she must pass a test administered by Otohiko.

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The God Goes to Izumo


Now that Nanami is set to go to Izumo to attend the Divine Assembly, she must decide who goes with her - Tomoe or Mizuki. And she must also face the consequences of attending a divine event as a mortal being.

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The God Falls Into the Netherworld


Okuninushi, the god hosting the Divine Assembly, asks Nanami to go handle a situation happening on the border between the worlds of the living and the dead.

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The God Races Across the Netherworld


Izanami imprisons Kirihito and refuses to allow Nanami to return to the surface with him. Nanami must decide how much she believes in her own powers and what she is willing to risk to save him.

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When Tomoe reverted to being a wild fox to save Nanami, he undid his contract as her familiar. And now, he takes this opportunity to reconsider whether he wants to go back to Nanami or not.

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The God Meets a Little Tengu


On her way home, Nanami runs into Himemiko and they spend some quality girl time together. Later, she meets a little tengu on a mission.

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The God Goes to Mount Kurama


Kurama returns to Mount Kurama with Nanami and Tomoe to take Botanmaru home and see if he can help his ailing father.

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Štáb 4

Režíroval: Tomoko Iwasaki, Jasujuki Honda

Napsal: Nebyl přidán žádný scénárista.

Hostující obsazení epizody 0 Úplné obsazení a štáb

Nebylo přidáno žádné hostující obsazení epizody.


The God Sneaks In


Kurama's father is sick, but there is no easy way to get in to see him, so the gang must devise a way to get past Jiro's defenses.

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The God Is Blindsided


The ruse is simple. Nanami confers her godly powers to Kurama, so he can pretend to be a god, someone Jiro cannot turn away from the gates. While Kurama and Tomoe distract Jiro, Nanami sneaks in to deliver the cure.

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The search for the Sojobo's soul leads to an unexpected place and an unexpected confession.

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The God Goes Back to Being a Child


Kirihito, aka Akura-oh, has not given up on getting his body back from the Netherworld. But in the meantime, Nanami and her familiars go to see the Year God, to receive a talisman for the new year.

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The God Receives a Marriage Proposal

Season Finale

Tomoe gets some insight into Nanami's childhood. And they finally get through the torii gates to see the Year God.

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