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نظرة عامة

It began centuries ago, when the Miroku ninja clan made a deal with the forces of the underworld, leading to centuries of struggle between rival clans. And now, after more than 600 years of peace, the denizens of the underworld are about to get a new boss.

Now, 16-year-old ninja in training Midou Miko is entrusted with the family business: making sure that sex-starved demons stay out of humanity's way! What does a ninja do? Fight, with every battle skill and sexual sorcery she can muster!

  1. Toshio Maeda


ممثلي السلسلة

  1. Ken Yamaguchi as King Seikima (voice) and Narrator / Ninja (voice)

    Ken Yamaguchi

    King Seikima (voice), Narrator / Ninja (voice)

    15 حلقة

  2. Kappei Yamaguchi as Nin-Nin (voice)

    Kappei Yamaguchi

    Nin-Nin (voice)

    14 حلقة

  3. Junko Asami as Kai Fubuki (voice)

    Junko Asami

    Kai Fubuki (voice)

    14 حلقة

  4. Miho Yoshida as Yaku (voice) and Miss Aoba (voice)

    Miho Yoshida

    Yaku (voice), Miss Aoba (voice)

    14 حلقة

  5. Kazuya Katsuie

    Nin-Nin (voice)

    10 حلقة

  6. Omi Minami as Midou Miko (voice credited as Akutsu Mari)

    Omi Minami

    Midou Miko (voice credited as Akutsu Mari)

    10 حلقة

  7. Yumi Takada as Bosatsu / Kamini / Kamiri / Taijuten (voice) and Shana-hime / Saeko (voice)

    Yumi Takada

    Bosatsu / Kamini / Kamiri / Taijuten (voice), Shana-hime / Saeko (voice)

    10 حلقة

  8. يوريكو ياماغوتشي as Maria (voice)

    يوريكو ياماغوتشي

    Maria (voice)

    8 حلقة

  9. Mai Asakura

    Yaku (voice)

    6 حلقة

  10. عرض أكثر

كل الممثلين و فريق العمل

الموسم الأخير

La Blue Girl Returns

2001 • 4 حلقة

La Blue Girl Returns (four episodes, 2001) is an anime series that continues the adventures of the 16-year-old Miko Mido. Another original story, this time about the legendary Shikima Brain, a place rumored to bring total power over the universe. It is coveted by the insectoid ninja clan of the Mahoroba and protected by a mysterious clan, who may have a relation with Miko's previous life. The plot begins when a race of butterfly-like demons named the Mahoroba want to enslave Miko Mido and her sister to steal the seal case that controls the Shikima. Their ultimate goal is to conquer the Shikima Brain, a legendary place of the Shikima realm which is said to confer the power to rule the universe.

Shikima Lust 2

(3x4, مايو 25, 2002) Season Finale

عرض كل المواسم

La Blue Girl
La Blue Girl


الأسم الأصلي 淫獣学園 La Blue Girl

الحالة مُنتهٍ

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نوع فيديو

اللغة الأصلية اليابانية

الكلمات الدالّة

درجة المحتوى 


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