Blue Exorcist (2011)
I håp om å kvitte seg med forbannelsen knyttet til å være Satans uekte sønn, begynner Rin på Det sanne korsets skole for å bli eksorsist, akkurat som sin mentor.
Series Cast
Mephisto Pheles (voice)
73 episoder
Yukio Okumura (voice)
61 episoder
Shiro Fujimoto (voice)
49 episoder
Rin Okumura (voice)
25 episoder
Kamiki Izumo (voice)
25 episoder
Shura Kirigakure (voice)
25 episoder
Kuro (voice)
25 episoder
Miwa Konekomaru (voice)
25 episoder
Shiemi Moriyama (voice)
25 episoder
Nåværende sesong
-The Blue Night Saga-
In the present day, Lucifer's attack on the Earth is underway. But Rin has his own journey to take to learn why he and his brother were born to Satan and a human woman. With the utterly untrustworthy Mephisto Pheles as his guide, Rin travels decades into the past, where he'll witness the long-hidden story of his mother, Yuri Egin.
Opprinnelige navn 青の祓魔師
Status Tilbakevendende serie
Type Scripted
Originalspråk Japanese
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