Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan (2010)
When night falls, they rule Tokyo.
Kilasan Singkat
Rikuo Nura, is 3 parts human and a quarter Demon, lives in a house of spirits with his grandfather, The current clan head of the Nura youkai. Rikou is set to be the next clan head, despit the fact he dilikes his demon side. He soon come to terms with his demon blood and decides to take his position as young master of the Nura house. However there are those who will certainly not allow it to be easy.
Series Cast
Season Terakhir
Demon Capital
Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan season 2 ditayangkan pada Juli 3, 2011.
(2x24, Desember 18, 2011)
Season Finale
Nama Asli ぬらりひょんの孫
Status Berakhir
Jenis Scripted
Bahasa Ucapan Jepang
Kata kunci
Nilai Konten
Almost there...
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