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With $10 billion worth of beauty (or so she says), Sakurano Tazusa is a contestant for the selection of the Japanese representative at the winter Olympics' figure skating competition. However, her ability is questionable in the eyes of the media and public, as she constantly falls during critical moments in her competitions. During a particular fall, at the same time, a Canadian teen by the name of Pete Pumps perishes as an accident occurs during an air stunt. Before being allowed to pass on into the after life, Pete possess' Tazusa supposedly for a hundred days, living on in her body. Despite the discontent and anger Tazusa faced having her body and privacy invaded by this Canadian ghost, she moves her focus onto improving herself in hopes to be selected for the Olympics.


  1. Marina Inoue as Mika HonjōenWaitress

    Marina Inoue

    Mika Honjō, Waitress

    24 afleveringen

  2. Isshin Chiba as Kazuya NittaenKazuya Arata

    Isshin Chiba

    Kazuya Nitta, Kazuya Arata

    24 afleveringen

  3. Maya Okamoto as Dominique Miller

    Maya Okamoto

    Dominique Miller

    12 afleveringen

  4. Mamiko Noto as Ria Garnet Juiltyve

    Mamiko Noto

    Ria Garnet Juiltyve

    12 afleveringen

  5. Ayako Kawasumi as Tazusa Sakurano

    Ayako Kawasumi

    Tazusa Sakurano

    12 afleveringen

  6. Hiroko Suzuki as Yukie Mishiro

    Hiroko Suzuki

    Yukie Mishiro

    12 afleveringen

  7. Hiroyuki Yoshino as Pete Pumps

    Hiroyuki Yoshino

    Pete Pumps

    12 afleveringen

  8. Kazusa Murai as Kyōko Shitō

    Kazusa Murai

    Kyōko Shitō

    12 afleveringen

  9. Jurota Kosugi as Yūji Takashima

    Jurota Kosugi

    Yūji Takashima

    12 afleveringen

  10. Meer tonen

Alle cast- en crewleden

Afgelopen seizoen

Season 1

2005 • 12 afleveringen

Seizoen 1 van Ginban Kaleidoscope verscheen op 8 oktober 2005.


(1x12, 24 december 2005) Seizoensfinale

Alle seizoenen tonen

Ginban Kaleidoscope
Ginban Kaleidoscope


Oorspronkelijke naam 銀盤カレイドスコープ

Status Afgelopen


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Soort Fictie

Oorspronkelijke taal Japans


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