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Episodi 12


Akira of the Dead

9 luglio, 202324m

Akira Tendo is an overworked and broken man. But one day, a sudden zombie pandemic flips his world upside down, resulting in a life-changing revelation.

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Bucket list of the dead

16 luglio, 202324m

Determined to make up for all his lost vacation days, Akira goes into super lazy mode — until he has to brave the zombified streets to get more beer.

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Best friend of the dead

23 luglio, 202324m

After finding out that his old rugby buddy from college is in danger, Akira rushes over to Shinjuku to try and save him.

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Hostess of the dead

30 luglio, 202324m

Akira and Kencho flee into the basement of a department store and meet a trio of flight attendants — checking one more item off the bucket list.

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Hero of the dead

13 agosto, 202324m

Remembering his childhood dream, Akira goes into the aquarium to grab a certain item, only to run into a group of survivors running for their lives.

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Camper of the dead

27 agosto, 202324m

Akira leaves Tokyo behind and heads back to his hometown, Gunma. When he makes a pit stop to get an RV, he reunites with Shizuka.

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Truck Stop of the dead

3 settembre, 202324m

Akira finds himself sucked right back into his old, corporate drone mindset. Seeing him in that state triggers bad memories for Shizuka.

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Sushi and Hotspring of the dead

17 settembre, 202324m

Akira and his friends meet a German college student who isn't going to let a zombie outbreak stop her from chasing her dreams.

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Tree House of the Dead

24 settembre, 202324m

Forced to take a detour through the forest, Akira gets very excited when he comes across a man building himself a treehouse.

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Hometown of the dead, 1

25 dicembre, 202324m

Akira and the others settle in, helping out the villagers and their fellow refugees from Tokyo. But an old friend becomes consumed with revenge.

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Hometown of the dead, 2

26 dicembre, 202324m

With a massive zombie horde coming their way, Akira and the others split up to try and save the villagers, only to find themselves facing another threat.

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Hometown of the dead, 3

Season Finale
26 dicembre, 202324m

Faced with an impossible choice, Akira's time may have finally run out. And he hasn't even finished his bucket list yet!

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