Jinny's Kitchen (2023)
I'm The Boss Now
A spin-off of the Youn's Kitchen series.
A program that shows the process of Lee Seo-jin, who was promoted from director of 'Youn's Kitchen' in the past to now a CEO/boss, opening and running a small snack & street food bar abroad.
Créatrice / Créateur
Distribution des rôles
Saison en cours
Saison 2
Experience the warmth of a steaming ttukbaegi in the chilly winds of Northern Europe! CEO Lee Seo-jin, along with Jung Yu-mi, Park Seo-jun, Choi Woo-shik, and new employee Ko Min-si, head to Iceland to bring warmth to the cold weather and the hearts of their customers with steaming bowls of Gomtang (beef broth soup) and other Korean delicacies.
Faits principaux
Nom d'origine 서진이네
Statut Émission renouvelée
Diffuseur télévisé
Type Émission de télé-réalité
Langue d'origine coréen
Score de contenu
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