Tales of Gekijou (2011)
Kilasan Singkat
Ever wondered how the characters survive when you ditch them at a save-point or spend hours lost in some deep forest in a world of swords and magic? Tales of Gekijou is a series of 5 anime shorts that promote the PSP game Tales of the Heroes: Twin Brave - and answer the questions.
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Tales of Gekijou season 1 ditayangkan pada Desember 18, 2011.
More Than Sex Appeal and Motivation, Appetite
(1x5, Februari 23, 2012) Season FinaleUmum
Nama Asli ているず おぶ 劇場
Status Berlanjut
- -
Jenis Miniseries
Bahasa Ucapan Jepang
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Nilai Konten
Almost there...
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