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The father... a spy. The mother... an assassin. The daughter... a telepath.


Há décadas, as nações de Ostania e Westalis promovem uma guerra fria sem fim. Para investigar os movimentos do presidente de um importante partido político, Westalis mobiliza Twilight, seu melhor agente, a montar uma família falsa e se infiltrar nos eventos sociais promovidos pela escola do filho do político. Mas por um acaso do destino, Twilight acaba adotando Anya, uma jovem com poderes telepáticos, e se "casando" com Yor, uma assassina profissional! Sem saberem das identidades uns dos outros, este trio incomum vai embarcar em aventuras cheias de surpresas para garantir a paz mundial.

Elenco da Série

  1. Takuya Eguchi as Loid Forger (voice)

    Takuya Eguchi

    Loid Forger (voice)

    38 Episódios

  2. Atsumi Tanezaki as Anya Forger (voice)

    Atsumi Tanezaki

    Anya Forger (voice)

    38 Episódios

  3. Saori Hayami as Yor Forger (voice)

    Saori Hayami

    Yor Forger (voice)

    38 Episódios

  4. Kenichirou Matsuda as Bond Forger (voice) e Narration (voice)

    Kenichirou Matsuda

    Bond Forger (voice), Narration (voice)

    29 Episódios

  5. Hana Sato as Emile Elman (voice), Tailor Shop Clerk (voice), Eden College Student (voice), Nurse (voice), Daisy (voice), Eden College Examinee (voice), Neighbor (voice), Colonel Zacharis' Wife (voice) e Onboard Announcement (voice)

    Hana Sato

    Emile Elman (voice), Tailor Shop Clerk (voice), Eden College Student (voice), Nurse (voice) e 5 more...

    22 Episódios

  6. Shomaru Zouza as Vides (voice), Eden College Teacher (voice), Terrorist (voice), WISE Agent (voice), Cavi's Secretary (voice), State Security Service Secretary (voice), Arsonist (voice), Man in Black (voice), Anan Boric (voice), Ikeniere (voice), WISE Contact (voice), Crewman (voice), Audience (voice), Becky's Father (voice), Hot Dog Vendor (voice) e Doctor (voice)

    Shomaru Zouza

    Vides (voice), Eden College Teacher (voice), Terrorist (voice), WISE Agent (voice) e 12 more...

    22 Episódios

  7. Marie Oi as Gram Gretcher (voice), Eden College Student (voice), Neighbor (voice), Child (voice), Terrorist (voice), Karen (voice), Peggie (voice), Eden College Teacher (voice), Kacey (voice), Mother (voice), Pool Instructor (voice), Class 3 Student (voice) e Doctor (voice)

    Marie Oi

    Gram Gretcher (voice), Eden College Student (voice), Neighbor (voice), Child (voice) e 9 more...

    21 Episódios

  8. Masafumi Kobatake as Sickle-and-Chain Barnaby (voice), Kurt (voice), State Security Service Agent (voice), Citizen (voice), Smuggling Organization Member (voice), Audience (voice), Bartender (voice), Waiter (voice), Burns (voice), Tennis Club Member (voice), Researcher (voice), Doctor (voice), Gatekeeper (voice), Edgar's Subordinate (voice), CEO of Central Bank (voice), Clerk (voice), Barkeeper (voice) e Pool Instructor (voice)

    Masafumi Kobatake

    Sickle-and-Chain Barnaby (voice), Kurt (voice), State Security Service Agent (voice), Citizen (voice) e 14 more...

    21 Episódios

  9. Motoki Sakuma as Eden College Teacher (voice), Bondman's Commander (voice), Politician (voice), Assassin with Stun Gun (voice), Rehabilitation Patient (voice), Joseph (voice), Fireman (voice), Assassin (voice), State Security Service Agent (voice), Wolson (voice), High Striker Operator (voice), WISE Agent (voice), Party Attendees (voice), Eden College Math Teacher (voice), Pet Shop Owner (voice), Vice Minister of Finance (voice), Chief Aquarist (voice) e Driver (voice)

    Motoki Sakuma

    Eden College Teacher (voice), Bondman's Commander (voice), Politician (voice), Assassin with Stun Gun (voice) e 14 more...

    20 Episódios

  10. Ver Mais

Todo o elenco e equipa técnica

Última Temporada

2.ª Temporada


2023 • 12 Episódios

With her ability to read minds, Anya Forger is the only one who knows the true identities of her unconventional family. Her pretend father Loid operates as an elite spy code-named Twilight; her mother Yor kills on demand as the assassin Thorn Princess; and their dog, Bond, possesses the gift of precognition. Although they hide the truth from each other, this pretense of a perfectly ordinary family provides Anya with the genuine love and warmth that she longed for as an orphan. Operation Strix—Loid's special mission to avoid potential war by gathering vital information and getting close to the powerful political figure, Donovan Desmond—is only possible if Anya plays her part right. She can either excel academically and become an Imperial Scholar at her prestigious school or make friends with Donovan's son, Damian. Neither is exactly easy, but with her adventurous attitude, Anya throws herself wholeheartedly into her mission as a Forger—all for the sake of international peace.


(2x12, 23 dezembro 2023) Season Finale

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Título Original SPY×FAMILY

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Idioma Original Japonês


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