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Fall Into The Mortal World (2024)

G 06.07.2024 (CN) AnimationFantasy
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The classic legend is adapted, and the descendants of the Cowherd and the Weaving Maiden continue to write a new adventure! The twenty-eight star constellations contain the power of the stars, which can destroy the sky and the earth. However, the Weaving Maiden, who is in charge of the Starry Nights, is greedy for the mortal world, causing the Starry Nights to flee and causing trouble. Years later, the Weaving Maiden's son, Jin Feng, went down to the world for his mother, and teamed up with a young girl, Xiaofan, to subdue the Starry Nights. People and gods together, all the way to the thrills and dangers, the mystery of Xiaofan's life, the truth of the Weaving Maiden's crime also gradually surfaced .....

  1. Zhong Ding

    Director, Writer


  1. Li Xin

    Li Xin

    金风 (voice)

  2. Liu Xiaoyu

    Liu Xiaoyu

    小凡 / 玉露 (voice)

  3. Xing Chao

    Xing Chao

    司牧 (voice)

  4. Liu Cong

    Liu Cong

    神君 (voice)

  5. Sun Lulu

    Sun Lulu

    牛郎 (voice)

  6. Shuai Guan

    Shuai Guan

    文昌星君 (voice)

  7. Tom Fu

    Tom Fu

    土地神 (voice)

Besetzung und Crew

Fall Into The Mortal World
Fall Into The Mortal World

Originaltitel 落凡尘

Status Veröffentlicht

Originalsprache Chinesisch

Produktionsbudget -

Einspielergebnis -


Keine Schlüsselwörter hinzugefügt.



Genial! Das sieht gut aus!

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