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MEAD (2022)

10.08.2022 (US) Science Fiction 1h 45m
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In a galaxy where illusion is a weapon.


A fugitive starship (MEAD) and a lone passenger (Friz) evade earth forces utilizing their ability to project the passengers' thoughts creating illusions that fool pursuers. But tech is being developed to thwart the outlaws.

  1. J. Allen Williams

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. Robert Picardo

    Robert Picardo

    Admiral Gillette

  2. Patton Oswalt

    Patton Oswalt

    MEAD (voice)

  3. Patrick Warburton

    Patrick Warburton

    Timmy the Wunderbot (voice)

Full Cast & Crew


Status Publisert

Originalspråk English

Budsjett -

Salgstall -


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