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24 seriály

14. august, 2020

Ted Lasso, tréner amerického futbalu, ktorého zavolali do Anglicka, aby manažoval futbalový tím, napriek tomu, že s týmto športom nemá absolútne žiadne skúsenosti. Dokáže Ted Lasso predviesť svoje schopnosti aj napriek cynickým hráčom a mestu plnom skeptických fanúšikov?

26. október, 2015

Dvanásťročná Kara unikla z Kryptonu tesne pred jeho zničením, tak ako jej bratranec Kal El. Vyrastala v pestúnskej rodine, v tieni svojej nevlastnej sestry Alex. Naučila sa skrývať svoje schopnosti, aby udržala svoju identitu v tajnosti. O niekoľko rokov neskôr, dvadsaťštyri ročná Kara žije v National City a pracuje pre mediálnu magnátku Cat Grantovú, ktorá práve najala bývalého fotografa Daily Planet, Jamesa Olsena. Keď sa jej sestra ocitne v nebezpečí, Kara nemá inú možnosť, než odhaliť svoje schopnosti svetu.

9. jún, 2021

V seriáli „Loki“ od Marvel Studios odohrávajúcom sa po udalostiach filmu „Avengers: Endgame“ nepredvídateľný záporák Loki pokračuje vo svojej role boha falošnosti. Seriál režírovala Kate Herron a hlavným scenáristom bol Michael Waldron.

6. máj, 2021

When a one-hit-wonder girl group from the '90s gets sampled by a young rapper, its members reunite to give their pop star dreams one more shot. They may be grown women balancing spouses, kids, jobs, debt, aging parents and shoulder pain, but can't they also be Girls5Eva?

23. september, 2024

A rare condition — face blindness — gives an eccentric yet incredibly gifted neurologist a unique perspective on care, fueling his mission to change the way people see his patients. Alongside a team of brilliant young interns, he solves some of the world's most puzzling psychological cases while navigating the complicated relationships that come with the job.

Seriál Tajné dejiny Chinatownu prináša príbeh herca Willisa Wu, ktorý neustále hráva len postavy v úzadí v drámach z policajného prostredia a snaží sa nájsť si cestu k niečomu väčšiemu a počas toho objavuje tajomstvá zvláštneho sveta, v ktorom žije, a tiež utajenú históriu svojej rodiny.

23. január, 1996

Moesha was an American sitcom series that aired on the UPN network from January 23, 1996 to May 14, 2001. The series stars R&B singer Brandy Norwood as Moesha Mitchell, a high school student living with her family in the Leimert Park neighborhood of South Central Los Angeles. It was originally ordered as a pilot for the CBS network's 1995-1996 television season, who rejected. It was then picked up by UPN, who aired it as a mid-season replacement. It went on to become the biggest success for the nascent network and one of the greatest hits over the course of the network's entire run.

During a concert by idol group Zwei Wing, an alien force known as the Noise attack the stage. Group members Tsubasa Kazanari and Kanade Amou suppress the attack using their Symphogear armor, but despite their best efforts, innocent bystander Hibiki Tachibana is fatally injured. Distraught and much to Tsubasa's dismay, Kanade sacrifices herself in the process to save Hibiki.

Two years later, Hibiki lives on. Tsubasa now fights alone. With the threat of the Noise increasing, Hibiki finds herself encountering the Noise once again but this time she is granted a chance to become attuned with the same Symphogear that Kanade wielded.

Satoru Fujinuma is a struggling manga artist who has the ability to turn back time and prevent deaths. When his mother is killed he turns back time to solve the mystery, but ends up back in elementary school, just before the disappearance of his classmate Kayo.

With a genius-level IQ, Woo Young-woo learns to embrace her extraordinary self while forming a tight-knit community of friends and allies.

5. apríl, 2024

Haruka Sakura wants nothing to do with weaklings—he's only interested in the strongest of the strong. He's just started at Furin High School, a school of degenerates known only for their brawling strength—strength they use to protect their town from anyone who wishes it ill. But Haruka's not interested in being a hero or being part of any sort of team—he just wants to fight his way to the top!

12. október, 2018

Štyria ľudia, ktorí trávia leto v prenajatom sídle, čoskoro začnú zažívať širokú škálu nadprirodzených javov. Moderné spracovanie románu Shirley Jacsonsonovej.

Na strednej škole McKinley v americkom štáte Michigan sa píše rok 1980. Miestne, intelektuálne a trochu pomalšie športové hviezdy si vyznávajú lásku s prekrásne povrchnými roztlieskavačkami. Kamera však schádza pod tribúny, kde práve Daniel a Ken aplikujú rockovú filozofiu na kresťanskú americkú morálku a ich kamarát Nick sa vyznáva zo svojej viery k božstvu menom John Bonham a skupine Led Zeppelin. Úplne iná, o dva roky mladšia, trojica chalanov - Sam, Neal a Bill - ktorí stoja mimo spoločnosti naopak proti svojej vôli (už len preto, že videli Hviezdne vojny nie raz ale dvadsaťsedemkrát) sú obďaleč šikanovaní preto, že si stoja za svojím názorom , že Bill Murray je skvelý komik. Mimo pomyselný stredný prúd stojí tiež Samova staršia sestra Lindsay, najchytrejšia študentka školy, ktorá však po smrti jedinej osoby, ktorá ju v živote rozumela, stráca vieru v staré hodnoty a hľadá nové, medzi novými priateľmi, ktorí pre ňu reprezentujú opak jej starého života.

20. október, 1997

The series provides children with valuable tools for growth in key areas of music, social skill development, and cognitive learning through integrated programs combining music, movement, and exploration. With Bear and all his friends, learn about cooperation, teamwork and more.

21. november, 2024

When a lonely hacker gets entangled with a group of underground couriers, they uncover the dark truth lurking beneath Tokyo's seemingly perfect facade.

17. september, 1969

The Courtship of Eddie's Father is an American television sitcom based on the 1963 movie of the same name, which was based on the book written by Mark Toby. It tells the story of a widower, Tom Corbett, who is a magazine publisher, and his son, Eddie, who believes his father should marry, and manipulates situations surrounding the women his father is interested in. ABC had acquired the rights to the story; the series debuted on September 17, 1969, and was last broadcast on March 1, 1972.

Bixby received an Emmy nomination for the show.

When high school student Amane transfers to a school in Enoshima, he meets Ryuji, a kind-hearted classmate, and the two begin to grow closer and more attracted to each other. Will Amane, who has a hard time falling in love, change because of Ryuji?

7. jún, 2019

Mary Ann returns to present-day San Francisco and is reunited with her daughter and ex-husband, twenty years after leaving them behind to pursue her career. Fleeing the midlife crisis that her picture-perfect Connecticut life created, Mary Ann is quickly drawn back into the orbit of Anna Madrigal, her chosen family and a new generation of queer young residents living at 28 Barbary Lane.

Third-year culinary students Prem, Dynamite and Samsi are intrigued when they find out about a cooking competition with a huge reward that would be perfect for their gang. Prem is losing confidence in his skills as a chef when he meets Ten, a medical student under a heavy burden of stress. Ten approaches Prem to teach him cooking, and Prem wants nothing to do with him until he's in sudden need of a large sum of money. However, as the lessons go on, it isn't just the food that's hot, but also their faces as they slowly fall for each other. Meanwhile, Dynamite is love-struck by Fire, Ten's friend who won't give him the time of day.

Eating around other people is a struggle for salaryman Yutaka, despite his talent for cooking. All that changes when he meets Minoru and Tane—two brothers, many years apart in age—who ask him to teach them how to make his delicious food! Yutaka soon finds himself having a change of heart as he looks forward to the meals they share together.

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