A második világháború idején a Pevensie-gyerekeket vidékre küldik a németek bombázta Londonból. Peter, Susan, Edmund és Lucy a hóbortos Digory Kirke professzornál talál menedéket. Egyik nap Lucy, játék közben elbújik a hatalmas szekrényben, és váratlanul Narnia havas tájain találja magát. A csodálatos országot törpök, faunok, kentaurok és más különféle mesebeli lények népesítik be. Békés földjük azonban az örök tél, a jég és a fagy fogságában vergődik, a gonosz fehér boszorkány elátkozta őket. A legenda szerint négy gyerek hozza majd el a szabadulást számukra.
After twelve years of playing his favorite MMORPG game, Momonga logs in for the last time only to find himself transported into its world playing it indefinitely. Throughout his adventures, his avatar ascends to the title of Sorcerer King Ains Ooal Gown. Once prosperous but now on the brink of ruin, The Sacred Kingdom enjoyed years of peace after construction of an enormous wall protecting them from neighboring invasions. But, one day this comes to an end when the Demon Emperor Jaldabaoth arrives with an army of villainous demi-humans. Fearing invasion of their own lands, the neighboring territory of the Slane Theocracy is forced to beg their enemies at the Sorcerer Kingdom for help. Heeding the call, Momonga, now known as the Sorcerer King Ains Ooal Gown, rallies the Sorcerer Kingdom and its undead army to join the fight alongside the Sacred Kingdom and the Slane Theocracy in hopes to defeat the Demon Emperor.
A Pevensie-gyerekek körül a leghétköznapibb dolgok is csodává válnak. Ezúttal egy festménnyel kezdődik minden: a vásznon árválkodó hajó életre kel, és Lucy, Edmund és a kissé elviselhetetlen unokatestvérük az óceánba zuhannak. Szerencsére a Hajnalvándor legénysége kimenti őket és így az ifjú kalandoroknak egyre újabb, izgalmasabb és veszélyesebb próbákat kell kiállniuk. A hajó és rajta Caspian király Narnia hét elveszett urát keresi a Magányos Szigetek környékén, ahol rabszolga-kereskedők, trónbitorlók, tengeri viharok, a mélység fenekén élő szörnyek és láthatatlan lények várnak az expedíció tagjaira. Narnia mesés teremtményei az angol gyerekek segítsége nélkül ismét benne volnának a slamasztikában!
A négy Pevensie gyermek egy esztendő elteltével visszatér arra a helyre, amelyet szeretnek. Meglepődve tapasztalják, hogy Narniában ezerháromszáz év telt el azóta, hogy itt jártak. A birodalom aranykora véget ért, a világot most a telmarinok uralják. A kegyetlen Miraz király Caspian herceg helyett a saját fiát akarja a trónra ültetni. A jogos trónörökös által vezetett lázadók szeretnék visszaállítani a rendet. A régi és új barátai oldalán Peter és testvérei is harcba szállnak, hogy visszaállítsák a birodalom régi fényét és dicsőségét.
Egy különös lány macskává változik, hogy felkeltse a fiú érdeklődését, aki tetszik neki, de a határ ember és állat között hamarosan kezd elmosódni.
Két évvel járunk azután, hogy Edward saját maga feláldozásával visszajuttatta Alphonse-t a testébe, miáltal ő maga a mi világunkba (egész pontosan a 20-as évek Londonjába) került. A két testvér máig kutatja a visszatérés módját. Edward időközben kezdi otthon érezni magát "ideát"; felkutatta Alphonse alteregóját, és találkozott egy Noah nevű roma lánnyal, akit megmentett a rátámadó katonáktól. Tudtán kívül a Thule Társaság (a valóságban is létezett, a náci párttal kapcsolatban álló okkultista közösség) régóta keres egy bizonyos átjárót, ami az ígéret földjére, Shambalába juttathatja őket, és a lány is e célra kellett volna nekik. Már birtokukban a kulcs - Irigy (Envy), a Homonculus formájában, aki úgy tűnik végképp megragadt sárkány alakjában -, már csak egy alkimista hiányzik, aki ki tudja nyitni a kaput. Ednek és Alnak észnél kell lennie, ha meg akarják akadályozni, hogy mindkét világ nagy bajba kerüljön.
It is not strange that the Demon Lord's forces fear the Crimson Demons, the clan from which Megumin and Yunyun originate. Even if the Demon Lord's generals attack their village, the Crimson Demons can just easily brush them off with their supreme mastery of advanced and overpowered magic. When Yunyun receives a seemingly serious letter regarding a potential disaster coming to her hometown, she immediately informs Kazuma Satou and the rest of his party. After a series of wacky misunderstandings, it turns out to be a mere prank by her fellow demon who wants to be an author. Even so, Megumin becomes worried about her family and sets out toward the Crimson Demons' village with the gang. There, Kazuma and the others decide to sightsee the wonders of Megumin's birthplace. However, they soon come to realize that the nonsense threat they received might have been more than just a joke.
Yoko Asagiri is in love, but is afraid to confess her feelings so she writes a song to express her feelings. Much to her dismay, the love song she wrote acted as a bridge connecting the world in which she lived in to that of Earth's alternate world called "Ashanti." There, the ruler of that world wants her song so that he could use it to open a doorway to Yoko's world and conquer it with his armies. Using the artifacts left behind by the legendary warrior Leda who prophesized her arrival, Yoko and her newfound friends must stop the tyrant's ambition and return both worlds to their proper place and balance.
The first recap film of season 1 of the anime TV series Overlord, covering episodes 1 to 7. In the year 2138, the popular online VR game Yggdrasil is quietly shut down one day. However, the player Momonga decides to not log out and is transformed into a powerful skeletal wizard upon shutdown. The game world continues to change, with non-player characters beginning to feel emotions. Confronted with this abnormal situation, Momonga and his loyal followers strive to investigate and take over the new world the game has become.
Catarina Claes meets a mysterious boy while visiting the circus caravan coming from the country of Mutrac, which leads to an unprecedented event for her.
Két átlagos tini varázslatos útra indul, hogy megmentsék barátjuk és hasonmása életét. De a szerelem megbonyolítja utazásukat.
The second recap film of season 1 of the anime TV series Overlord, covering episodes 8 to 13.
With its armies sweeping across the continent, the Empire seems unstoppable. After securing victory over the remnants of the Republic's army, the Empire's ultimate victory is finally within reach. However, dark clouds are gathering in the East. The communist-led Russy Federation is mustering troops on its western border, preparing to enter the war. Supported by a detachment of Allied volunteer magicians—among whom is Mary Sioux, the daughter of a soldier killed by Tanya—the Federation is determined to spread the communist creed and bring the Empire to its knees.
Meanwhile, Tanya and her battalion return to the imperial capital from the southern front. Upon their arrival, they are tasked with investigating troop movements on the border with the Federation. Any escalation of violence at this point may lead to new conflicts, plunging the world into a global war.
Will the Empire eventually emerge victorious from its struggle, or will it crumble in the face radically different ideologies?
The story follows Akane, a girl with no self-confidence. On the day before her birthday, she meets a mysterious alchemist, Hippocrates, and his student, Pipo, who both tell her they're on a mission to save the world. Together, they set out from the basement for "Wonderland," and Akane finds herself labelled Wonderland's savior.
Traveling in search of the rare ingredient, “sky fish” Meliodas and Hawk arrive at a palace that floats above the clouds. The people there are busy preparing a ceremony, meant to protect their home from a ferocious beast that awakens once every 3,000 years. But before the ritual is complete, the Six Knights of Black—a Demon Clan army—removes the seal on the beast, threatening the lives of everyone in the Sky Palace.
Upon arriving at the Digital World after the "reboot", the Digidestined are hunted by a new villain. Meanwhile, Sora is troubled by her partner Digimon's indifference towards her.
The story begins the day before the graduation ceremony. Five middle school girls each are preoccupied with their real everyday lives. These girls meet each other in a fantasy world after being sent there through a sudden occurrence. There, they learn about the impending crisis that this world is facing. The way to avert this crisis is for the five to collaborate and bring their five hearts together as one through dance. However, the five cannot come to love the world, and cannot tell their true feelings to one another, so their hearts are unable to unite. The time limit is fast approaching. Can the dance of the five girls save the world? And will they be able to graduate?
One day , Pororo and Crong enter a video game "Golden wing adventure" In the cyber space , Pororo and Crong met "Prince ChiChi" and agreed to find Golden wing to save Princess. On the other hand, Pororo's friends were captured by "SPIDER KING" Will Pororo save the Princess and his friends and escape from Cyber space ?