Potem ko se starodavna lutka Chucky pojavi na primestnem prodajnem dvorišču, idilično ameriško mesto vrže v kaos, ko vrsta grozljivih umorov začne razkrivati mestne hinavščine in skrivnosti. Medtem prihod sovražnikov in zaveznikov iz preteklosti Chuckyja grozi, da bo razkril resnico za poboji, pa tudi neizmerno poreklo lutke demona kot na videz običajnega otroka, ki je nekako postal ta razvpita pošast.
Trije sosedi. En podcast. In umori. Veliko umorov. Trije prijatelji Charles-Haden, Oliver in Mabel so navdušeni nad podkasti o resničnih zločinih, ko pa se v njihovi stavbi zgodi umor, se odločijo, da bodo primer raziskali sami in o tem ustvarili svoj podkast.
Agenta v elitni enoti FBI-ja Holden Ford in Bill Tench, ki s psihologinjo Wendy Carr opravljata intervjuje z zaprtimi serijskimi morilci, razvijata tehnike profiliranja v upanju, da bosta rešila še vedno nerešene primere.
Five people, strangers to each other, are in the wrong place at the wrong time. They witness a murder and from then on an endless tangle of adventures begins for them. Dalia, Zoumboulia, Spyros, Fotis, Angela... unite in a group, draw strength from each other and aim to deliver justice in an old and dark case... Through dangers and upheavals they will manage to reach in the truth of the case but also their own, personal truth.
Unpleasant events disturb the life of an aspiring crime fiction writer when he becomes a resident of an apartment building teeming with shady neighbors.
Award winning journalist Paula Zahn unravels shocking crimes interviewing those closest to the case including lawyers, the victim's family, detectives and the convicted murderer themselves.
Jinkies! This raucous reimagining of the Scooby-Doo franchise unravels the mysterious origins of Mystery, Inc. – as seen through the eyes of the gang’s beloved bespectacled detective Velma.
Romanopisec v vzponu Noah Solloway in natakarica Alison Lockhart v manjšem letoviškem mestu Montauk na Long Islandu začneta zunajzakonsko razmerje, ki za vedno spremeni njuno življenje.
The true stories of people who lived with a killer. How well do you really know your family? Would you recognize the warning signs? Or would you become entangled in evil?
A police detective who loses everything to a criminal organization seeks payback when he gains special abilities through biotechnology.
Police officer Luise Berg heads for an inevitable catastrophe after her daughter’s murderer is released early from prison. A psychologically complex game of confusion begins in which the boundaries of guilt and innocence, perpetrators and victims, law and justice are constantly blurred.
A extraordinary true story of Delia Balmer, who survived a near-fatal relationship with murderer John Sweeney. The series narrates the ordeal Delia suffered at the hands of John Sweeney, and her traumatic journey through the police and criminal justice system as they attempt to prosecute him for his crimes.
Dexter Early Cuts is a web-based series in the form of an animated comic about the character Dexter Morgan and his earliest kills, thus the name "Early Cuts". The series is narrated by Michael C. Hall from the Showtime series and chronicles characters from that series (not the novels).
Sergio ni spregovoril od dneva, ko je umoril svoje starše. Šest let pozneje je najstnica morda ključ do razkritja celotne zgodbe.
A unique look inside the mind of an infamous serial killer with this cinematic self-portrait crafted from statements made by Ted Bundy, including present-day interviews, archival footage and audio recordings from death row.
A group of online justice seekers track down a guy who posted a video of him killing kittens.
In Murder With Friends, Grace Baldridge invites guests to talk about some of history's most notorious murderers.
Serija sistematično in temeljito osvetli ozadje resničnega primera, ki se navzven morda zdi zelo preprost. Steven Avery je že dolgo pred smrtjo mlade fotografinje odslužil dolgo zaporno kazen: obsojen je bil zaradi posilstva, a ga je po 18 letih v zaporu analiza DNK-ja oprala krivde. Ker se je izkazalo, da so policisti (deloma tudi zaradi osebnih zamer) pri preiskavi primera zagrešili celo vrsto hudih napak, vključno z vplivanjem na žrtev, je po prihodu na svobodo Avery proti njim vložil civilno tožbo. Kazalo je, da ga čaka ogromna odškodnina (ki bi lokalne oblasti popolnoma uničila), ko je naenkrat prišlo do umora Terese Halbach...
The tales of mysterious murders that rocked small-town America. Each hour brings you a new murder mystery and a new look into the evil that can lurk in the heart and soul of a tight-knit community. Interviews with investigators, prosecutors, family members and neighbors piece together the twisting tale of a classic whodunit.
Why did an abused solitary boy become a murderer? A sad but powerful gut-wrenching drama portraying the destiny of humans seeking love, starting up-and-coming actor Yuma Nakayama.