While running from a drug deal gone bad, Mike Ross, a brilliant young college-dropout, slips into a job interview with one of New York City's best legal closers, Harvey Specter. Tired of cookie-cutter law school grads, Harvey takes a gamble by hiring Mike on the spot after he recognizes his raw talent and photographic memory.
Om en grupp specialpoliser i New York med kriminalpolis Robert Goren i spetsen. Deras uppgift är att lösa svåra och komplicerade brott som till varje pris måste klaras upp.
K.D Pathak is a suave, sophisticated, witty and yet unconventional defence lawyer with an impeccable track record. He stands not for his client, but for Justice.
I den här mörka komediserien, som utspelar sig sex år innan Breaking Bad, får vi träffa den ambitiöse småstadsadvokaten Jimmy McGill innan han blir den moraliskt missanpassade Saul Goodman. Vi följer Jimmys väg från optimistisk underdog med problem att klara hyran till den notoriske försvarsadvokaten som då och då är mer kriminell än de brottslingar han försvarar.
Om arbetet på en av de ledande advokatbyråerna i Boston. Alla på advokatbyrån arbetar för att se till att deras klienter går fria även om det innebär att de måste bända på lagen då och då.
Matt Murdock, blind sedan unga år, bekämpar orättvisor på dagen som advokat och på natten som superhjälten Daredevil i Hell's Kitchen, New York City.
En ung och våghalsig advokat som rekryterats direkt från juridikutbildningen till CIA hamnar plötsligt mitt i spionernas farliga värld.
Raymond Burr spelar försvarsadvokaten Perry Mason, som aldrig har förlorat ett mål. I varje avsnitt sätts Masons intellektuella styrka på prov mot åklagaren Hamilton Burger. Gång på gång tycks Mason lyckas hitta de avgörande bevisen som friar hans klienter - med god hjälp av sin hängivna sekreterare Della Street och den lojale privatspanaren Paul Drake.
There are thieves who come from different backgrounds and situations, but were not born as thieves. For the most part, they lived by the rules even while growing up poor and worked hard to better their lives. They are actually generous people. But the cruel realities of society have pushed them to the edge. And to ensure that their past problems do not hamper their own children, they fight to exact revenge from those in power, search for their long-lost family members and commit one last heist to mete out justice. This TV show will entertain viewers with a story revolving around thieves from the low rungs of society who burglarize the home of powerful men in order to unmask them. They do this to put an end to those who stand above the law and get away with thievery scot-free.
Emperatriz is a Mexican telenovela produced by Fides Velasco for Azteca. It stars Gabriela Spanic as the title character, while Bernie Paz as the male lead. Other casts include Sergio de Bustamante, Julieta Egurrola, Adriana Louvier, Marimar Vega, Miriam Higareda, Alberto Guerra, Rafael Sanchez Navarro and Carmen Delgado. Omar Fierro made special appearance in the first five episodes, and later returns in the final part of the series.[1] The filming process took place between 17 March 2011 - 30 September 2011. The series premiered on 5 April 2011, 19 days after filming the first scene, at 8:30pm, occupying Prófugas del Destino's slot, and ended on 8 November 2011. Emperatriz is also known as most selling telenovela of 2011.
The Good Wife är ett drama med Emmy-vinnaren Julianna Margulies som ensam måste ta ansvar för sin familj och återvända till sitt yrke som advokat efter att hennes man blivit fängslad till följd av en uppmärksammad korruptions- och sexskandal.
På heder och samvete är i huvudsak en dramaserie med omväxlande inslag av rättegångsdrama, action-scener och såpopera. Huvudpersonen i serien är Harmon Rabb, Jr., som innan seriens början var en hangarfartygsbaserad stridspilot i flottan som efter olycka togs ur flygtjänst på grund av nattblindhet. Rabb vidareutbildade sig till jurist, och i seriens pilotavsnitt återfick han sina vingar efter en hjältemodig insats. Trots att serien utspelar sig i en fiktiv värld utan allt för många fantastiska element - med viss verklighetsförankring - så tog sig skaparna en hög grad av artistisk frihet, inte minst vad gäller auditörernas arbetsuppgifter.
Bobby hjälper en vän vars dotter kan ha kvävt sitt nyfödda barn av misstag. Lindsay försvarar en man som överlevt en båtolycka genom att stjäla en flytväst från en drunknande medpassagerare. Bobby Donnell är chef för en firma som specialiserat sig på att försvara klienter som inte har råd med dyr rättshjälp. Ibland händer det att klienterna begått fruktansvärda brott vilket gör att etiska frågor ofta ställs på sin spets.
A lawyer bound by a centuries-old curse becomes entangled with a civil servant who holds the key to his freedom — igniting an unexpected romance.
Matlock is an American television legal drama, starring Andy Griffith in the title role of criminal defense attorney Ben Matlock. The show, produced by The Fred Silverman Company, Dean Hargrove Productions, Viacom Productions and Paramount Television originally aired from September 23, 1986 to May 8, 1992 on NBC; and from November 5, 1992 until May 7, 1995 on ABC.
The show's format is similar to that of CBS's Perry Mason, with Matlock identifying the perpetrators and then confronting them in dramatic courtroom scenes. One difference, however, was that whereas Mason usually exculpated his clients at a pretrial hearing, Matlock usually secured an acquittal at trial, from the jury.
I den här spännande kriminaldramaserien blir en juridikprofessor och hennes fem praktikanter indragna i en mordutredning.
Ein Fall für zwei is a German television series, which premiered on September 11, 1981 on ZDF. The series, located in Frankfurt am Main, features two main characters who solve crimes: a defense attorney and a private investigator. Josef Matula, a former German police officer, has gone into private business. His method of investigation is very effective and direct, and he sometimes even resorts to dirty tricks. Claus Theo Gärtner has portrayed the role since the start of the series.
Picking up one year after the events of the final broadcast episode of "The Good Wife", an enormous financial scam has destroyed the reputation of a young lawyer, Maia Rindell, while simultaneously wiping out her mentor and godmother Diane Lockhart's savings. Forced out of her law firm, now called "Lockhart, Deckler, Gussman, Lee, Lyman, Gilbert, Lurie, Kagan, Tannebaum & Associates", they join Lucca Quinn at one of Chicago's preeminent law firms.
Dr. Jason Bull is the brilliant, brash, and charming founder of a hugely successful trial consulting firm.
Since losing his eyesight in an accident, Man Sun-Hop has been continually harassed and despised. But instead, his determination and perseverance are so reinforced that he has qualified as a barrister. He has also developed an acute sense beyond sight which helps him to gain the status of Blind Legal Knight in the legal profession. However, nobody really knows his true character. Fortunately, Kuk Yat-Ha, his flatmate and private detective, and ChiuChing-Mui, female legal executive with mob connections, are two buddies he can always rely on. The trio are known as Three Sword Fighters who never submit to power and are always ready to seek justice for the underprivileged. Sun-Hop’s provocative style has aroused the fancy of female judge Wong Lai-Fan, who cannot control her amorous feelings for him. Expanded to a quartet, their fate encounters turbulent changes while handling challenging legal cases. Reappearance of Sun-Hop’s father and Tai Tin-Yan, fellow sister from college, further complicates the situation, which Sun-Hop may not be able to unravel with his legal mastery.