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9 סדרות

אוקטובר 2, 2023

Japan adopts self-driving electric automobiles and renders most gas engines obsolete by 202X. The fastest cars find new life in the MFG, a racing circuit held on Japanese motorways. Drivers from around the world race for a shot at the title. Kanata Rivington returns from Britain to Japan for the MFG—and to find his father. Can he win the title and find answers? Buckle up and push it to the limit!

הסדרה עוקבת אחרי ספידי מקווין וחברו הטוב ביותר סר טו-מטור, שנוסעים מזרחה מ-Radiator Springs במסע חוצה-מדינה כדי לפגוש את אחותו של סר טו-מטור. בכל עצירה בדרך הם חווים הרפתקה מרתקת ופוגשים דמויות צבעוניות חדשות.

אוקטובר 1, 2023

Haruka Asahina is a high school teen racing in Formula 4. He crosses paths with a washed-up photographer, Kōya Madoka, who decides to help Haruka realize his dream and reach the podium. The heat is on, and competition is fierce. Racing for the family-run Komaki Motors team means Haruka must push the car, and himself, to the limits to catch the attention of top teams. Buckle up, it’s time to race!

הצטרפו לנסיעה עם השף חובב המכוניות פול הוליווד, שסוקר את המכוניות והתרבויות של צרפת, איטליה וגרמניה.

אפריל 6, 2024

Rin Rindoh once had a dream of becoming a ballet dancer, but had to give up on that dream due to an injury. Afterward she became a NEET and a gamer who lived in her grandmother's house. But one day she is suddenly thrown into the world of racing.

The anime takes place in the near future, where the latest technology has made it so vehicles can travel at 500 km/h (about 310 mph) safely and securely. A next-generation race event called NEX Race is born, which changes the world of racing. NEX Racing features AI control support and a "Revolburst" mechanism. A newcomer named Rin Rindoh will make her debut in NEX Race, and will further revolutionize the sport.

ספטמבר 12, 2020

With unseen archive footage and interviews with the sport's greatest names, this Sky original docuseries celebrates the incredible 70-year history of Formula 1.

נובמבר 9, 2005
נובמבר 11, 2008

Ken Block's Gymkhana: the viral video series that changed automotive filmmaking forever, with well over 550 MILLION views for the series to date. It's also a big part of where Mr. Block gets his title from - HHIC, aka Head Hoonigan In Charge. What started as a simple way for KB to hone his rally driving skills, has morphed into these ten main videos.

ספטמבר 27, 2017

Six people wake up in a prison in South Korea. They don't know where they are or how they got there. They have to participate in the Dragon Race, which is broadcast live on an illegal gambling site.

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