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  • Number of Movies: 2
  • Revenue: -

Featured Cast

  1. Miyu Irino

    Miyu Irino

    Syaoran 小狼(voice), Syaoran (voice)

  2. Yui Makino

    Yui Makino

    Sakura (voice), Sakura 樱 (voice)

  3. Tetsu Inada

    Tetsu Inada

    Kurogane (voice)

  4. Daisuke Namikawa

    Daisuke Namikawa

    Fay (voice)

  5. Mika Kikuchi

    Mika Kikuchi

    Mokona (voice)

Featured Crew

  1. Shunsuke Tada


After the discovery and conclusion of Fay’s tragic past during the group’s visit to the country of Celes, where Kurogane will make a great sacrifice to escape the cruel trap prepared by Fei Wang, the adventurers arrive in the country of Japan: There, the struggle between Syaoran and an old acquaintance will lead the boy into the Dream World... where his other self awaits him. What will be the shocking truth that will emerge as a result of your inevitable battle?

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