Looking through the draft folder and lookie here what I found. Unused, leftover staycation cartoons. Saving the other one for a different day. Meanwhile, it's Sunday and I'm still in bed, chillin' out. Stack of pillows holding the laptop up.
In unrelated news, today I'm baking banana chocolate chip muffins and yesterday I made eight everything bagels and now there are four left. When I'm done writing here, I'll go grab a homemade bagel and a raspberry mocha, wrapped in a crocheted blanket in the Christmas nook at home.
In other news, I found cotton yarn that doesn't get me itchy and rashy and I've been a crocheting fool. Fool, I say, fool.
Do you know how nice it is to crochet again?
My word. So nice. Back during The Great Declutter of 2016 when I donated all my crochet stuff and I really missed the craft. A lot. Then I ran into a lady that said cotton yarn might help with the rashing out. Boy was she right. So happy about that.
Finishing up my first wide turtle neck shawl. Ran out of that yarn yesterday so I might run to get more in between the bakes and snowflakes. Or just stay put, yarn a different thing to hold me over, enjoy Sunday with Christmas movies, a little work in the kitchen and a lot of butt sitting on the couch.
Whoever invented the couch should win a Nobel Prize. For realz.
As for Christmas gifts to each other, this year we're keeping it light and free of stuff. One online class for me (more on that in another post), and for Smoochie Face, YouTube Premium. I love gifts like that are both useful and don't take up space.
And that my Boogerbutts is all that's fit to print. Wishing you a yummy week ahead and a groovy 2025. Cheers and boogie boogie. Huggs and Buggs, Me.