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Toon Agent - what is it? |
How does the Toon Agent©? work | Toon Agent© cooperates with international artists who present their works on our cartoon network. Toon Agent© is an online image agency which offers political cartoons on a daily basis as well as illustrations and caricatures for print and web use. |
What does the Toon Agent©? offer | As a professional editor you can use the Agent© to access works by internationl artists, cartoonists and illustrators that might be of use for your design tasks. Our cartoons, illustrations and caricatures follow a standardized keyword and category system and can be downloaded in high resolution. |
How do I find cartoons via the Toon Agent© | You can start immediately with your search query at the top of the page, browse categories, view the newest cartoons or look for popular keywords or artists. With the help of our advanced search you have an additional professional tool. Furthermore you can call us for questions or special wishes: +49.2305.5902206 |
How can I learn more about the Toon Agent©? | To learn more about our fees and copy conditions please read the First Steps. |