Returns and cancellations
Cancel or return.
Thank you for your purchase at ToyPro. If for any reason you decide to cancel or return your order, we are happy to assist you further.
Canceling an order: If you accidentally placed a wrong order, you can easily cancel it by clicking on the cancellation link found in the confirmation email sent immediately after your order. Please note: if the link no longer works, it means that we are already processing your order and cancellation is no longer possible. After cancellation, we will refund the full order amount, including shipping costs, within a few days. The refund time depends on the payment method but never takes longer than a few days.
How does the cancellation procedure work:
- Click on the cancellation link in the confirmation email sent immediately after your order.
- You will receive an email from us confirming the cancellation.
- Within 5 working days, we will refund you via the same payment method.
Returning an order: If you decide to return your order after receiving it, you can do so within 14 days of the purchase date. The cost of returning the items is at your own expense and risk.
Let us know what you want to return by contacting and mention the invoice number.
How does the return procedure work?
- Send an email to our customer service, and you will receive a return form from us.
- The cost of returning the items is at your own expense, including orders that are refused or not collected at a pickup point.
- Once you have notified our customer service of the return within 14 days, please return the product within 7 days.
What can you expect from ToyPro:
- Full orders will be refunded within 14 days of arrival, including the delivery costs you have paid.
- Orders that you have partially registered for return will be refunded within 14 days of arrival, excluding delivery costs you have paid.
- The cost of returning the items is at your own expense. If returns are made because they are refused or not collected at a pickup point, the refund will be made after deducting the full shipping costs.
- Returns are at your own risk. Please provide a shipping proof.
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