Travelers are voting Qasr Ibrim as the best tourist attraction in Tanta. There are 30 tourist attractions in Imbabah a city just 89 km from Tanta and 41 tourist attractions in Giza which is 91 km distant. The most popular of these are Pyramid of Unas in Imbabah and Great Sphinx Of Giza in Giza. You can find 5 tourist attractions in Gharbia and 522 tourist attractions in the country of Egypt. Our members favorite in Gharbia is Qasr Ibrim and Cairo is the top pick in Egypt. Want more? Check out our map of tourist attractions in Tanta.
Qasr Ibrim
Places To Visit RuinsEgyptQasr Ibrim is an archaeological site in Lower Nubia. It was originally a major city perched on a cliff above the Nile, but the flooding of Lake…