rabbit spirit animal

Spirit Animals: RABBIT the MAGICIAN

Waiting for the right time, rabbit spirit animal’s always waiting for the right time – the right time to dash, the right time to recline on his side and stretch his back legs out, the right time to hold his breath in a burrow. While he’s waiting, he sits back onto his hind legs and looks out over the open meadow. His warren-mates are having an evening silflay of sweet clover. He twitches his whiskers with a precious bob of his velvety nose. A female invites him to groom her with a quiet hum. He comes back down to all fours and sets to licking her neck as she nibbles the tip of his ear.

Social Rabbit Spirit Animal

The number of stories I read about rabbits as a child were many. They influenced my opinions on social behavior, play, fantasy worlds, and humor as a human. The book that had the largest impact on me was Watership Down by Richard Adams. Not only is this story a riveting tale about the social lives of rabbits, it is a commentary on the destructiveness of humans, the complexities of colonization, and the terror of war.

So often when we look up the rabbit spirit animal in various interpretation books their symbolism is watered down to represent fear and fertility. I remember Hazel, Fiver, Blackberry, Silver, and Dandelion, and my heart opens wide with the potential in these amazing creatures. They can be slow or fast, sharp or gentle, and calculated or calm. We shouldn’t be looking up rabbits in spirit animal books, we should be referencing stories such as Watership Down to understand the myriad powers rabbits embody in our collective consciousness.

Rabbits are highly social animals that live together in a city of underground tunnels called a warren. Rabbits regularly groom each other, and they circle and hum to one another as a sign of affection.Their mating systems can be very complex ranging from polygamy to monogamy depending on their status within the warren. Males and females are very territorial and can engage in intense fights that result in injury and even death. They mark their territories with dung hills. The bucks engage in additional battles over does.

Imagination in Rabbit Symbolism

Think of the white rabbit in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. He was always in a rush, worried about getting here or there, and he had the incredible gift of leading Alice down the rabbit hole that changed her life. No matter how much we think we know about the world, rabbit can always take us beyond our capacity to comprehend.

Going down the rabbit hole can indicate moving into a time of chaos when everything is turned on its head. This phase of our evolution is necessary to allow change. It is only once we lose the ground beneath our feet that we have the chance to become more. Once we go underground into our subconscious or into other worlds to see what lies there, there is no going back. We are forever changed.

Remember the rabbit in the story of the Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams. This was a dearly loved toy that had the benefit of genuine affection from a child that believed he was real. Again the theme of devotion and affection with rabbit spirit animal comes through here. This toy offered a sense of solace and comfort to the boy during a life threatening illness only to be rewarded by being cleaned out of his room as it was disinfected.

Left out in the garden, the wish of the Velveteen Rabbit is fulfilled. A fairy turns him into a REAL rabbit. Again, when looking at the meaning of rabbit we see the theme of reality and imagination come in. What is happening to your definition of reality right now? What reality are you wishing into being? Are you the REAL you?

Finding Rabbit Spirit Animal Sanctuary

Among the folklore of rabbit spirit animal, there is a beautiful story of Saint Francis of Assisi. Saint Francis found set a rabbit free from a trap. He named him “Brother Rabbit” before releasing him, but the rabbit would not leave and returned over and over to his lap. The rabbit knew he had found a place of sanctuary and peace. How can you set free the vulnerable, tender side of yourself?

Rabbits always need a burrow, even a temporary one or a hollow in the brush, to retreat to at night. Make sure you have space and time set aside for your own retreat. Using Brother Rabbit’s example, find a place of peace and nestle into a source of sanctuary.

Staying Alert to Rabbit Meaning

When thinking of rabbits as prey animals we think of how they can freeze or flee when a hawk flies overhead. We don’t associate defensiveness with rabbits spirit animal, but they will fight viciously to save their own lives. Their back legs are very strong and they have sharp claws.

Rabbits are acutely alert to their surroundings and have nearly 360 degree vision. We usually only think of owls seeing 360 degrees, but they have to turn their heads to see what is behind them. The rabbit’s eyes take in their entire surroundings constantly, without having to move their heads. Rabbit’s large ears also allow them to listen closely for predators. Rabbit spirit animal brings the ability to take in the whole of your surroundings and take in threats before the threat sees you.

Like Thumper in the movie Bambi, are you ready to warn the others about what you see? This energy is not about looking out for yourself, but the fulfillment in watching out for the whole tribe and the willingness to sound the alarm.

The Adventurous Spirit of Rabbit Medicine

And, who can forget The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter? Here a rabbit takes on a pioneering spirit much like the rabbits that follow Hazel out of the warren in Watership Down. This is art imitating nature. When buck rabbits mature they are often forced to leave their warren. The bucks wander far afield to establish or join a new warren. Does are regularly forced out, but they simply go to the neighboring warren.

Are you venturing out on your own to explore the riches of the world like Peter Rabbit or escape danger like Hazel? Is the danger out there or within you? Do you find gravitate toward home like Peter Rabbit or toward the unknown like the white rabbit? These are all of the questions that come up when a rabbit hole adventure takes a hold of your life.

It is likely that if you are reading this post that you have already started down the rabbit hole. There is no turning back at this point, but if rabbit spirit animal is accompanying you on the journey, take heart. You have countless tricks to pull out of your hat. You likely have what you need to build a sense of community around you and to sense danger before it comes your way.


Want to learn more about spirit animals?
Visit the Spirit Animal Guide


Stacey CouchStacey Couch About Author, Stacey L. L. Couch Stacey Couch is a Spiritual Advisor who supports creative seekers learning as they go on the spiritual path. She serves beginner and life-long students of the soul. Her compassionate and collaborative approach honors the humanity and value of each person. Wisdom found in story, mysticism, and nature provide guidance and healing in her work. Through meeting with Stacey, lost souls find refuge. Connection to the Divine is realized. Belonging comes. She is the author of Gracious Wild: A Shamanic Journey with Hawks. Learn About working with Stacey
68 replies
  1. Barclay BradenBarclay Braden
    Barclay Braden says:

    There was a rabbit, just outside my door, on this early summer morning. It felt like a message. Finding Stacey’s thoughtful and evocative words, ones bringing in her own rabbit literary memories, struck just the right chord. I appreciate her blend of personal history and larger possibility…and her encouragement to help me discover my own weave of meaning. Thank you!

  2. Tracie NicholsTracie Nichols
    Tracie Nichols says:

    After seeing four (four!) rabbits as I was walking this morning, I knew that I needed to look deeper than the typical, as you mentioned, watered down interpretations of fear and fertility. The perspective you offer is truly helpful. I am down the rabbit hole, indeed. Thank you!

  3. NancyNancy
    Nancy says:

    Hello Stacey,
    My father passed away last week in a different city and I was not able to travel until this week. The last 2 days I have had a rabbit come and visit my front lawn. I used to raise rabbits when I was a little girl. My father built a hutch for me. I have not had a rabbit on my property for 5 years. What do you think this message means ?
    Thank you for your website and your story on rabbits.

    • Stacey CouchStacey Couch
      Stacey Couch says:

      Hello Nancy, Oftentimes soon after a loved one passes they send animal messengers to visit us. I have had this experience many times and heard similar stories from many others. I see this as a way of reassuring us that even though they’ve left their physical form they are still with us in spirit. Seeing that the two of you have the history with rabbits, it seems very fitting that he would choose to coordinate a visit from the rabbit to your front lawn. Your father’s message could also be a prompting to embrace the next stage in your adventure down the rabbit hole. With every ending comes a beginning. Know that he’s with you on the journey. My heartfelt condolences for your loss, Stacey

  4. TerraelTerrael
    Terrael says:

    Hi Stacey today my mom and i saw a white rabbit together outside our window what do you think that means ?

    • Stacey CouchStacey Couch
      Stacey Couch says:

      Hello Terrael, How cool to see a white rabbit in the wild! The snowshoe hare turns white in the winter to have better camouflage. Winter is associated with spirituality, contemplation and prayer. If it was a snowshoe hare you saw it could symbolize a need to come into a time of reverence and wonder about matters of the soul. A white rabbit speaks even more strongly of the qualities of going down the rabbit hole as the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland was white. The color white is associated also with purity and spirituality. The white rabbit can signify a strong curiosity born of innocent intentions to explore the unseen realms or spirit world. I hope this helps give you some ideas for formulating a meaning to the encounter. Many Blessings, Stacey

  5. TeegTeeg
    Teeg says:

    We saw three coyotes one of them was eating a rabbit right outside our window.

    Do i look at the coyotes, the rabbit, or both for spiritual significance? How would you interprete it?

    • Stacey CouchStacey Couch
      Stacey Couch says:

      Hello Teeg, I would recommend looking at both for spiritual significance. You can take the meaning of rabbit and the meaning of coyote and combine them to paint a whole picture. Very generally, coyote is the trickster. Coyote spirit animal is the energy that can frustrate us, but often gets us back on track in a big picture sense. Do you feel you’re being tricked into going down the rabbit hole or that you have to play a trick to see behind the curtain? Do you truly believe in magic or do you believe it’s all a trick? These are questions I recommend you ponder. Thanks so much for your inquiry! – Stacey

  6. Bev ScottBev Scott
    Bev Scott says:

    Hi Stacey,
    Wonder if you are able to help with the question. As my husband woke from his sleep he saw a huge white rabbit laying beside him (spiritually) – as in it was not really there. Is this a message or a guide?

    • Stacey CouchStacey Couch
      Stacey Couch says:

      Good question Bev. My answer would be both. Guides bring messages and all messages are a form of guidance. How we define our relationships with spirit animals is up to us and is along a spectrum. At one end of the spectrum is the messenger coming with a single, discrete memo at the other is a life-long guardian spirit animal that is with us from birth to death. You can download my free ebook, “What is my spirit animal?” and see if that helps him come to a better understanding. Many Blessings, Stacey

  7. Dr. HowardDr. Howard
    Dr. Howard says:

    Hi Stacey, my rabbit Magic died (a girl) 2 weeks after having her (I purchased her from a breeder and 2 others a gray boy, Frosty and a broken chocolate girl which I named Miracle; all three were born on Oct 30, 2015…Libras)…I keep seeing Magic (I wish I could send you a picture she was a beautiful bunny with a black spot (I called it a mole/beauty mark) near her nose. Just a few minutes ago, I spiritually saw (but it appeared so real to them discover it was an abandoned white shopping bag). It broke my heart when she died, I had to bury her myself (I had never done this before; bury a pet)…she was my favorite of the 3. What do you think her appearances mean especially this last one where I was frozen in disbelief I was in a trance and nearly about to jump out of my car to get her to see it was just a white plastic bag (it was like a mirage!)…I immediately pulled over and searched online to discover your page!

    Thank you for your post,

    Dr. Howard

    • Stacey CouchStacey Couch
      Stacey Couch says:

      Hello Dr. Howard, It may be of solace for you to know that our pets can sometimes come back in spirit form as a spirit guide for us. Many people are talking about how the veil between this world and the spirit world is getting thinner. We are able to see through to the spirit world easier. I happen to agree with them because of stories like yours and many others that I’ve heard. We have an unprecedented opportunity to realize that what is made of matter is not all there is around us. Quantum physics teaches us that everything is energy. Many people are waking up to what this actually looks like. Seeing Magic from the other side is a piece of this awakening. Many blessings and thank you for sharing your story, Stacey

  8. Jeannie VillarrealJeannie Villarreal
    Jeannie Villarreal says:

    Hi, I saw a white bunny yesterday morning, I brought it in and feed it, only to know that the bunny was a house pet and left out in the cold for days or longer, freezing, starving and had a broken leg. I was trying to bring it back to life, but it was to late, the bunny passed later that day. And shortly after the bunny died my husband lost his job. I just wanted to see what that could mean

    • Stacey CouchStacey Couch
      Stacey Couch says:

      Hello Jeannie, Thank you for your question. Whenever we have the experience of an animal’s life ending in our company I see this as a profound gift. They are bringing their essence, their spirit, to aid us along our path. They are showing us that there is a higher power that truly does care for us. Since this rabbit showed up right before a crisis came to your family, I would suggest that she is there in spirit now to act as a support and a guide as you go through the rabbit hole of this new challenge. Remember to be grateful for what you do have in the moment. Many Blessings, Stacey

  9. LoriLori
    Lori says:

    Yesterday was the first time I have ever done a journey. It was a very new thing for me, but I was open to the adventure. Part of the journey was to dig a hole so we would enter the realm of our spirit animal guides. I was shocked by all of the animals there. The past 3 days I have had a white rabbit in my yard everyday. He runs across my driveway all day long. Looks like Ive done down the rabbit hole lol

    • Stacey CouchStacey Couch
      Stacey Couch says:

      Sounds like it Lori! Congratulations on learning how to do shamanic journeys. It is wonderful to hear how the spirit world is opening up for you. What a gift and blessing. Enjoy the new adventure! – Stacey

  10. Chuck CrawfordChuck Crawford
    Chuck Crawford says:

    So yesterday in the day time I had a grey rabbit sitting in front of my house, I had come back from the store I had to walk with in 5 feet of it, the rabbit watched me but didn’t look to run and stayed calm. Today coming back from the store there where three grey rabbits in front of my house to which non of them moved as well.

    I feel there is some meaning behind this and also have been doing alot of thinking of the path of me life any ideas?

    • Stacey CouchStacey Couch
      Stacey Couch says:

      Hello Chuck, How nice to have the company of these sweet beings in your yard. I would suggest that they may be mirroring back to you your experience of going down the rabbit hole of “what am I to do with my life?” This is actually a spiritual question that points to “why am I here?” and it can open up entirely new areas of experience you never knew of before. The rabbits could be signaling this new beginning for you. The color gray is about the “gray areas” where we are undecided, uncommitted or unsure about what to do. Wishing you the faith you need for the process. Many Blessings, Stacey

  11. KateKate
    Kate says:


    What a wonderful thing you are doing by offering this on your page. We have had rabbits as pets on and off for the last twenty five years. In all honesty it’s me who seems to have the connection with them and I sense there is a message for me which I’m not seeing. Our most recent rabbits have been both male and female. Always fixed so no little ones. I usually rescue them from the humane society. However, the last two females have departed both suddenly and unexpectedly. I am always devastated and cry on and off for days. One because I’m sad for the loss and two because I’m sad for our beautiful male bun who gets left alone again. The first female died for snuffles when I was out of the country visiting my parents. She visited me in a dream two days later and said she had to leave her body while I was away or I would have blocked her going. (I brought her back twice for the brink by doing energy healing on her) . The most recent female partner for Mr bun escaped through a tiny hole under our deck while I had them both out for some running around in the grass. She escaped into our neighbours yard and their gate was open. She had been gone about five minutes when I realized. We searched until it got dark and did the whole flyers in lampposts etc. Even went knocking door to door. Anyhow I’m rambling sorry but this next bit I think is significant . Three nights before she escaped I dreamt that she was bitten on the ear by a large rabbit. I then seen her surrounded by a pack of dogs. Just regular family dogs a whole mix of them. I woke up sweating. We live on the outer edge of a city and hear coyotes a lot. We also have large jack rabbits behind our house. I see them daily. I’m thinking my dream was a warning and I should have been more diligent. I guess though my question is could I have prevented this.? Would it have happened another time in another way? And why in earth is this happening? I really don’t consider myself careless. Now I feel the need to get yet another companion for my boy bunny but am nervous that Im not seeing the message and she too will meet with a quick demise. Is it best just to leave these females at the humane society for somebody other than myself to adopt? Blessings for taking the time to read my ridiculously long comment.

    • Stacey CouchStacey Couch
      Stacey Couch says:

      Hello Kate, It is hard when we have a string of devastating events/accidents happen to not feel like we are cursed. One of my favorite prayers during times like this is, “I let go of the need to know why things happen as they do, whether painful or glorious.” It comes from Caroline Myss’s book, “Entering the Castle”. The search for the reasons why can bring us as much torture than the events themselves. There is another meaning in regards to rabbit spirit animal as outlined in one of my favorite books, “Medicine Cards” by David Carson and Jamie Sams… it has to do with fears, our not getting frozen in them, and our not falling prey to them. I would advise taking a look at your fears in the whole of your life and outside your relationship with the rabbits. It seems right now that the relationship with the rabbits is where your fears are manifesting, but maybe not originating. What do you fear most – losing a family member, being alone, failing, not being loved…? Then ask whatever higher power you look to for courage to not let your fears have authority over you. Start there and see where the road takes you. I do hope that you are able to bring more rescue rabbits into your home in the future, but I also understand your need to take care of yourself first. If we don’t take care of ourselves we don’t have much left to give to the furry ones. Blessings to you during this trying time, Stacey

  12. ArielAriel
    Ariel says:

    Recently my boyfriend and I (we are in our 50’s) were camping in a remote area of Northern Minnesota (in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness). One night we were sitting around the campfire, enjoying the solitude and quiet of the still night, bright clear sky, and glassy lake, when a rabbit hopped out of the woods, stood next to our campfire, and gazed at us. She stayed for about 3 minutes then hopped away back into the woods. The next night, we moved to another campsite and weren’t on the lake. Sure enough, she appeared again in the same manner – silently hopping out of the woods, into the campsite clearing, and stood next to the fire looking at us. Later that night, after the fire burned down and we turned on a flashlight to move to the camper, we discovered she had silently moved right in front of where we were sitting (about 1 foot away) and just sat gazing at us. In all 3 appearances, she looked like she had some message to deliver to us.
    By the way, it’s quite unusual to see any rabbits at this location of Northern Minnesota, and it’s the first time we’ve ever seen a rabbit up there. We haven’t quite been able to figure out the meaning of this special animal appearance. It’s not the first time we’ve been visited by an animal messenger (we have a cool owl story too!), but this one is a bit perplexing.
    Thank you for your insight. We really enjoyed reading your article.

    • Stacey CouchStacey Couch
      Stacey Couch says:

      Hello Ariel, What a fun, magical story that very much exemplifies the ability of rabbit to make it seem as if we’ve slipped between the worlds without meaning to. We so think we understand the nature of reality, but really we have no clue. Had you entered another realm? Had the rabbit visited from another world? Did time stop moving? It sounds as if the rabbit was just about to speak. The nature of what he had to say is not nearly as riveting as the fact that he could speak at all! Just like the kids who passed through the wardrobe and into Narnia, you two in your innocence and open-hearted time together may very well have tumbled into a magical landscape for a time. What’s the harm in considering such fanciful and beautiful ideas? Why not consider other ideas of reality for a change? Many Blessings, Stacey

  13. Elizabeth HarringtonElizabeth Harrington
    Elizabeth Harrington says:

    Interesting that the last comment was also from Minnesota…I have had a lovely small rabbit visiting me in my courtyard throughout the summer… as an early riser, I would often find her eating some of the bird food I would leave on the ground for her. She seemed to be relaxed around me each time we greeted each, and we often just spent time gazing directly with each other.
    Late this afternoon I was shocked to find the same bunny in my living room (I think the same bunny) and it didn’t move when I walked towards it. As I tried to figure out what the heck to do, it still didn’t move and I finally gently put a small clear box around it, it lay down and died. It was obvious then to me that the bunny had been mortally wounded before coming into my home.
    I have been deeply impacted by this and feel a loss and grief beyond what I would consider normal. As a spiritual woman, I felt this had a special significance so found your site and wisdom. Any insight you’d like to share to help me understand this special bond and the significance?

    • Stacey CouchStacey Couch
      Stacey Couch says:

      Hello Elizabeth, Wow. That’s a tough one. It must almost seem in some way like it wasn’t real or like you were in a dream. But, that doesn’t it make it any less impactful. It may be more impactful since it seems the veil has gotten thin and you and the rabbit met on the other side. When animals give their lives in a way that intersects perfectly with ours it is one of the most precious messages. I encourage you to sit in deep contemplation with this invitation to the spirit world. Already being a spiritual woman simply means that there are deeper layers of connection with All that Is awaiting you. How can you open your heart further to the spirits, the angels, and the heavens so that you can serve as a channel for grace? Ask the spirit of the rabbit for help in carrying the fears that no longer serve you away so that you come to having less and less between you and the Divine. Many Blessings, Stacey

      • Elizabeth HarringtonElizabeth Harrington
        Elizabeth Harrington says:

        What a poignant answer Stacey. I am saving your response to read and remind me to serve as a channel for Grace…I will continue to hold your spirit of grace close to my heart.

  14. KelliKelli
    Kelli says:

    Rabbits have been appearing when I meditate for a while now. I’ve dreamed once where I was chasing one. And about 4 or 5 years ago one appeared on my apartment buildings front lawn in a very urban area, I say that to say that rabbits just don’t appear here!! Anyhow, I know that this rabbit has something to do with the relationship that I’m in. I just don’t know what it’s trying to tell me. I’ve been in this relationship for almost 9 years and it did not start off perfectly but we’ve progressed over the years but I just don’t know if we can succedd with the way that things begin and things that have happened in between. I go back and forth in my head a lot in regards to this relationship and it spells over Into the rest of my life. Could this rabbit be an indication of my indecisiveness or something more?

    • Stacey CouchStacey Couch
      Stacey Couch says:

      Hello Kelli, Rabbit spirit animal teaches us about surrendering to the magic of our imaginations. Sometimes we can only imagine what has already come to pass, taking the past and impressing it upon the future. The rabbit is inviting you to another way of viewing your life or maybe an entirely new way of living your life. Sometimes the best thing to do is to allow your imagination to wander to the infinite possibilities, to carry your towards hope rather than immanent doom. Too often we use our imaginations to imagine terrible outcomes, how about uplifting dreams for a change? I’m not implying that you dream of positive outcomes in your relationship. It all comes back to how you are in your interior. Instead focus on you and what amazing things you might experience and be. When we are okay within ourselves we are able to weather any outside storm and find the path that is our destiny. Many Blessings, Stacey

  15. JaimeJaime
    Jaime says:

    Simple but sweet.
    Me and my boyfriend of 5 years have been fighting and I’ve been questioning his love and our relationship. I took him back when I was going to leave him one day and then a few hours later I found out he’s been lying to me and won’t give up the person that’s hurting our relationship the most. Everytime I start thinking should I stay or go a couple rabbits cross my path. What could this mean? I’ve read so much and have yet to find the answer and your story above is making the most sense but I still can’t seem to interpret what to do. If you have any advice I would love to know. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.

    • Stacey CouchStacey Couch
      Stacey Couch says:

      Hello Jaime, Thank you for your question. We often think of following the rabbit down the rabbit hole as going into a fantasy and out of the real world. However, I think this could be a misconception. In your case, it sounds like the rabbits are inviting you out of the fantasy, or more so illusion, that was your boyfriend’s lie. Your life looked one way before you found out the truth and now it looks another. As Buddha says, “life is an illusion”. So much of what is going on is invented by our minds and our imaginations. When we take these faculties and apply them to learning about ourselves and about what truly matters to us we open the door to a reality more real than any we’d imagined before. I might just be talking in riddles here, but you might have a chance of seeing where I’m coming from too. All I do know now is that you can’t un-know what you now know. See what you feel is best to do in moving forward into the truth that you have before you. Many Blessings, Stacey

  16. KellyKelly
    Kelly says:

    Hello Stacey,
    I’ve related to this post more than any other I’ve discovered in the past couple days. I’m going back and forth on what my sighting could mean, however. My long term boyfriend and I broke up a few weeks ago. Life has dealt us some difficult cards in the past several months. We still love each other, but we need to work on some things apart right now if we want a chance at a healthy future. Due to some life circumstances, my boyfriend is currently in a very fragile, vulnerable state. I found out from him directly a few days ago that a woman who had been eyeing him recently swooped in two weeks after we split. Obviously I’m confused and upset. I know that he is in a dark and vulnerable place, but still, I’m scared and I don’t know what it means for our future. I drove directly from his place to a Walmart parking lot, of all places, to cry. I thought I saw a little light brown bunny huddled against a bicycle a parking spot away, but it was dark out and there was no movement, so I thought I had just imagined it. Then, lo and behold, a few minutes later the little ball of fur separates itself from the bike and hops over, directly to my car. I felt it had to be a sign. Do you have any inclination as to what it could mean? In advance, thank you so much for your insight.

    • Stacey CouchStacey Couch
      Stacey Couch says:

      Hello Kelly, I am sorry to hear of the trouble in your relationship. There is something about the tenderness of the rabbit in the dark parking lot that opens up my heart just reading your story. There is courage in vulnerability. In fact vulnerability is the most courageous state. It takes a lot of guts to go down the rabbit hole, to follow our imaginations, and to venture into a new stage of our lives. We often want to crawl into our burrow and wait for things to go back to the way they were, but there is no going back. There is also no way of telling how your courageous hopefulness can touch the lives of other people. A parking lot is representative of where you find rest. The bike and the car are modes of transportation that show how you move forward in life. The bike requires full focus to keep balance and your energy to move forward. It is often associated with childhood. The car moves faster, on its own and requires your steering and decision making. It is often associated with being a grown up and more independent. See if by sitting with these different elements, you can come to a creative, imaginative way of viewing the path ahead. Many Blessings, Stacey

  17. ChandraChandra
    Chandra says:

    I am deeply touched and in tears reading over the comments.
    Especially those that have witnessed the death of animals. My soul is so pained over the suffering or death of animals. I can barely watch, it rips my heart out. Instead to look at it as an honor and a way to connect even more deeply to spirit is comforting.

    I have had rabbit show up recently for me. I am an Energy Healing Guide, Spirit and Animal communicator. I am setting up a business online and felt the need to imagine and create a spiritual, virtual office where I could do my work with people.

    It was magical imagining this place where people could come and work with me, but also come back and do their own healing and spiritual work. In this place, a cottage, in the woods. There were also animals, dogs, cats and rabbits! This was my first spirit encounter with rabbit.

    I am so happy to have found this information. It fits perfect in my vision for my work.
    So grateful to your work Stacey.

    • Stacey CouchStacey Couch
      Stacey Couch says:

      Hello Chandra, Thank you for sharing your vision. It sounds as if you are on the precipice of an exciting new adventure! It’s a funny thing too that what you describe, the cottage in the woods with the animals, very much describes my home office. Inside my wood fire heated cabin I sit with my dog and cats and talk with clients all over the world. I watch the squirrels, rabbits and birds forage outside my window while I sit in service for others. The balance of the nature and animals all around helps me stay centered and grounded as I do healing work. It is a beautiful blend that I am grateful for every day. May you too encounter your slice of heaven on earth. Many Blessings, Stacey

  18. GabriellaGabriella
    Gabriella says:

    I was walking up from my backyard, going towards the front of my house. As I approached the side of my house, I saw a while rabbit just sitting still. I was about three feet away from the rabbit, and was shocked it didn’t run away. So I got out my laser pointer, and pointed the lazer about 4 or 5 ft in front of the rabbit. The rabbit then slowly hopped to where the red dot of the laser on the ground. I was shocked again, I moved the laser about three feet further, and again the rabbit hopped to the laser. My boyfriend then walked up and I excitedly told him what happened, then the rabbit slowly hopped away…

    • Stacey CouchStacey Couch
      Stacey Couch says:

      That’s a fun idea Gabriella! I never have though of using a laser pointer to get a rabbit’s attention. It seems already with that one idea that you are following the playful world of fantasy and imagination that rabbit spirit animal embodies. Keep following your hunches, I’m sure you’ll be lead to more wonder than you can imagine. Many Blessings, Stacey

  19. CaroleCarole
    Carole says:

    I’ve been doing drumming shamanic journeying & keep being led to start in a rabbit’s burrow, down the roots of a big old maple tree. …and particularly sitting for awhile with a ‘Grandma
    Rabbit’. I’ve felt much solace & affection there. Overall messages have been about …. ‘Sit,
    wait, go deeper, perceive more, …. etc.’ I’m sooo happy I found your site, & words about
    rabbit symbolism. …feels deeper, more genuine than most else I’ve read. …so thank you sooo much.

    At first i thought the rabbits were telling me… ‘stop jumping around, dashing everywhere’…
    which I think is part of it…. (eg. I’m retired, tend to get involved in too many activities, when I want to be writing, I do Spoken Word performance). But thanks to what you say about rabbits I see…. It’s also about allowing myself the affection, devotion of a couple close friends, and honoring my keen senses, perception & going inward ,etc. Any other thoughts?

    Also, I’ve been looking for a guide, have felt I need a woman. As I go deeper into a role
    that seems to be evolving…. a shamanic kind of performance and being fed, led in my own spiritual practice thru the shamanic journeying. I’ll go to your web site & see what you do…but am wondering if, how Imight find some guidance with you.

    • Stacey CouchStacey Couch
      Stacey Couch says:

      Hello Carole, It is wonderful to meet you and hear a bit of your story. You are literally going down the rabbit hole! How amazing! It is no surprise that you are finding a fantastic world of many things that capture your imagination. There is nothing that says you have to choose or commit right now. Just experience, would be my take on it. The message to wait may mean to wait to settle into any one thing or wait to rule anything out just yet. Run that past your interior and see if that resonates with you. I would be honored and delighted to work with you. Send me an email at info@wildgratitude.com and we’ll get started. Many Blessings, Stacey

  20. GiselleGiselle
    Giselle says:

    Hi Stacey, I was taking a walk calling my grandmother this evening, and came across a white rabbit who when saw me sat really still, I walked away reading to go home to see it’s meaning-my grandmother said she heard people relate them to good luck…I been stuck for two years waiting for a change in life, I also am waiting for a new relationship to come to me-Do you think this means my dreams may be coming true soon or any sign of the sort?Please get back to me:) Thanks-Giselle

    • Stacey CouchStacey Couch
      Stacey Couch says:

      Hello Giselle, What a lovely experience to encounter a white rabbit in the wild. When working with spirit animals, I encourage you to seek layers of meaning and messages to support you where you are right now. A perfect example is the glimmer of hope you felt locking eyes with this precious animal. Spirit animal encounters are much more than foretellers of the future. I don’t see them as two-dimensional oracles, but as multidimensional messengers that can teach us about the power of hope and courage, the talent to dream and the ability to trust in the sacred. Remember that the only constant is change. Open up to the magic that this rabbit showed you and allow it to transform you from the inside out. There’s nothing that says you can’t change your inner self while waiting for the outer life to shift. Many Blessings, Stacey

  21. Mylisa KellyMylisa Kelly
    Mylisa Kelly says:

    Hello,Stacey. Tonight me and the father of my son were riding around listening to music. A white rabbit ran across the road stopped us and then ran on the other Side of the truck. We both looked at the big white rabbit and said, “Thats never happened to me before”. It was really weird. The rabbit just stopped as it was on the side of us, across the road and looked back at us as like it had heard what we’d said. I’m a very spiritual person and always have been since a child. I just knew this night, us seeing that rabbit really meant something important. A significant sign with a deeper meaning than I could interpret myself . We are deeply in love with each other, or well at least I am. Lol I know he loves me a lot and recently marriage has been brought up in convos… Also, we have one son who’s five but doesn’t currently live with us. The situation is not fair because we do love our son but had to give temporary custody to my mother. Only to benefit my son because we were not financially stable. To be honest not stable at all. Now my mother has gone behind both of our backs to take our son permanently from us. Only to benefit her. Since then she has put a no contact/ protection order on me for 2 years. I’m her only daughter and felt really hurt and confused. I’ve lost a child before due to premature birth. So I’ve had to experience the death of a child. I know my daughter is in a better place. I lost my father at the age of 11. Now I’ve lost my mother because I don’t know how we could come back from all of that. So you could only imagine what’s been going on in my head and my heart. All of this left a lot of pressure on.me recently and had me questioning God. I would catch myself asking God to help me understand begging for ome kind of sign. What is my purpose in life? Why have I experienced so much pain? Please help me understand. I wanted to know. I wanted a taste of magic. Am I getting what I asked for? What could this rabbit spirit mean for me?

    • Stacey CouchStacey Couch
      Stacey Couch says:

      Hello Mylisa, I see a big difference from wanting to know why things have happened in your life and a taste of magic. Magic is unreasonable. Asking to understand why you’ve experienced so much pain is an effort to reason with God and with your life. The best advice I can give you is to tell you that the search for a reason why this has all happened to you is inviting further suffering. Ultimately, life is unreasonable and there are thousands of reasons why your life is the way it is. In fact, if you could see all of those reasons at once you wouldn’t be able to grasp the enormity of it all. My suggestion would be to follow the rabbit’s invitation to seek magic, the fingerprint of God, in your life. Seek wonder, open up to love, faith, whatever has intrinsic value for you. I know it can be hard to embrace the life you’ve been given, but as a spiritual person I trust you may understand the value of such an unreasonable and wildly loving path. Many Blessings, Stacey

  22. TarshaTarsha
    Tarsha says:

    Hi Stacy, i started seeing a grey and white rabbit in my yard it was under my car for awhile it refused to move im pretty sure this was somebody pet rabbit. I assumed it was tryin to get out the cold by being inder my car. This week i lost my boyfriend in a car accident. Today i seen the bunny again in my yard. Can you explain if the bunny was there knowing i was goin to have grief soon? Thank You

    • Stacey CouchStacey Couch
      Stacey Couch says:

      Hello Tarsha, Sometimes animals do come to us before or just after the timing of a great loss. It could be in some way that they are here to help us through the process by providing a beautiful distraction, comforting message, or some other angelic form of support. If the rabbit is still around, it may be a good idea to contact your local humane society to see if they want to help you catch the bunny and find him/her a new home. However the story goes with you and the rabbit, it is all part of the great dance we do with the natural world, the cosmos, and the spirits. All of it is interwoven with meaning and purpose. Many Blessings and Prayers to you in this time of loss, Stacey

  23. mimiemimie
    mimie says:

    hi stacey ,
    i dreamed my son was tapping on my window , and then left 2 bunny rabbits in a box outside my window -one was white and one was brown what does that mean [[i am white and my husband is brown (black )…

    • Stacey CouchStacey Couch
      Stacey Couch says:

      Hello Mimie, I suggest looking at what aspect of rabbit medicine speaks to you most. Is it adventure, sanctuary, social life, or imagination? Then consider how you might be conflicted. When two animals are contrasting colors they can point us to an area of opposition within ourselves and/or our lives. For example, if you choose adventure as the piece that draws you most, do you have one side that craves it and another that fears it? A little time sitting with yourself and using your powers of discernment will help I’m sure. Many Blessings, Stacey

  24. AlannahAlannah
    Alannah says:

    Thank you for this excellent post Stacey. I’ve always been drawn to rabbits. Not too long ago, I read Watership Down for the first time, and realised I am a lot like Fiver, the seer rabbit. Since childhood, I’ve had many prophetic dreams and also know when some things are going to happen before they do. Anyway, after being very ill in the past month and going through a personal crisis, I felt the need to find my power animal, and I am not at all surprised to discover it is the rabbit. The only curious thing is, whenever I have met my rabbit spirit friend, I myself have felt as if I am also a rabbit in the realm we are meeting, so I found that a bit curious, and wasn’t sure how common it was. Blessings to you.

    • Stacey CouchStacey Couch
      Stacey Couch says:

      Hello Alannah, It is not uncommon for us to actually embody our spirit animals by merging with them or shifting into their form. This is an archetypal theme that happens spontaneously for many people who don’t even know it is possible until they experience it. I love this about working with spirit animals. So many beautiful experiences and ways of being are shown to us, taking us beyond our imaginations and into greater consciousness. Thank you for sharing your connection with rabbit. I hope to hear more of how this partnership unfolds for you. Many Blessings, Stacey

  25. Louise MIchaudLouise MIchaud
    Louise MIchaud says:

    I just had two encounters with bunny friends both were brown with a white tail. One was on the road on the left side in the fog trying to get across but with my car lights and the slow down of my car, he/she decided to go back to the woods or the other side of the road and not to venture across. I felt blessed to see the creature and fortunate that I was at a speed to prevent me from hitting it and also very glad that the bunny donned a white tale as otherwise it might have had a less positive ending. Lately I have been told that rabbit is part of animal totem make up right now along with crow and swan from a woman who channels Spirit. I do indeed feel like I am down the rabit hole while substitute teaching and have been questioning if I am on the right path I am also very distressed with my waitress job and have been thinking of leaving it for some time now. It was on my mind all night how I don’t like the energy of the boss and the restaurant. Oddly the second bunny further down the windy road I traveled upon tonight enroute home was perhaps already crossed over or about to cross over. I spotted in in the road and swerved to avoid hitting it. After seeing the live bunny only seconds ago I just could not stand the thought of a tire going across this bunny’s body. So I went back put my blinkers on and somehow gingerly managed to pick him up with papertowels and place him along side the road. My heart dropped as I was not sure if I was harming this sweet creature further but by the looks of the feet it did not look like it was going to get up on its own and get off the road. I will never forget its eye what seemed to be piercing mine and I offered it the Reiki symbol to help it ease from its previous trauma of whatever knocked it to the ground. The body felt warm and I questioned if it was still alive. It was quite dark and when I placed it down on the ground of the pavement, it seemed like its head was now face down. I felt mortified and wanted to call a vet. Instead I saw the homeowner down the long drive way come out into his garage searching for something. I called to him and asked him if he knew of anyone I could call. He came down his driveway and seemed to look at the bunny in amazement for quite some time. He kindly looked at me and said that it was most likely the bunny has passed. I felt defeated somehow and fustrated with the lack of light. If I was a doctor or miracle worker I swore I would have tried to bring the bunny back to life. I solemnly walked away in uncertaintiy wondering if I was doing the right thing and in doing so asked Spirit that the bunny no longer suffer and to let the bunny know he deserved a better departure. The quiety softspoken and gentle natured man smiled at me and said “You did the right thing.” Perhaps he was sensing my questioning mind. He was different than most folks who seem to be indifferent to the spectacular animal world. I get so mad at the insensitiivity of most people to animals. And I wish I was less squeamish with death. This is not the first time I find a creature in its closing hour or minute and my instinct is to want to heal but often I am getting it to a place where it can pass…So I am not sure what rabbit is trying to tell me tonight. Maybe he is telling me to leave my job, so my soul does not spend another summer in an environment where I feel far from nurtured and supported. But I feel like seeing one living one who was possibly passed on or indirectly who I helped pass has a greater meaning that is cloudy or like the weather outside shrouded in fog and mist tonight. I appreciate any feedback.

    • Stacey CouchStacey Couch
      Stacey Couch says:

      Hello Louise, Thank you for sharing your beautiful and heart-wrenching story. It is so, so very hard to witness the passing of such sweet, innocent creatures. I believe that these final moments are some of the most intimate and precious the animals can share with us. I believe they cross our paths at the time of their death to go further than give us simple directions at a crossroads (i.e. saying quit or don’t quit your job). I believe they deliver a deeper message that directs us into a stronger sense of the mystical. Was this rabbit calling your into sanctuary or encouraging you to nurture your imagination? Was she pointing you to hone your ability to act virtuously with coworkers? Did she ask you to increase your level of alertness to be able to take in more of your surroundings? OR was it all of the above? Remember there are many messages, especially in encounters like this. Spend time delving into the layers. I’m sure it will bear fruit. Many Blessings, Stacey

    • Stacey CouchStacey Couch
      Stacey Couch says:

      I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your rabbit. I’m not a veterinarian and I don’t know the circumstances, so I can’t say why this happened. If you feel you gave the rabbit proper care and did all the right things, my best advice for you is to not blame yourself. Disappointing and terrible things like this happen as part of life and the evolution of souls. The spiritual reasons for this are many and part of a grander plan. There is a chance now that the rabbit is coming back for you as a spirit animal to support and guide you from the other side. Watching this video might help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nf_yPdN9Qtw&list=PLSn4p-l7AkLSf2wfdEn-L2-AeU_RyvOSl&index=4

  26. Alyssa GarofoloAlyssa Garofolo
    Alyssa Garofolo says:

    Hi Stacey,

    My husband and I are going to be starting the IVF process to conceive a child together in about a month or two. We have a beautiful backyard in the southern desert hills of Henderson, NV just south east of Las Vegas. We had noticed holes being dug in our backyard near a wooden deck we have that over looks the city. Not knowing what was digging them, we would fill them in and cover them up. We just last weekend as I was looking out the back window I saw a rabbit. They are all over our neighborhood. I saw him with pine needles in his mouth and he kept going by this bush near the deck. On the ground there was some upturned dirt, like the holes we noticed before. But upon closer inspection I saw no hole and didn’t worry too much about it. Funny thing is this was Easter weekend AND near the potential hold I also found half of a birds eggshell. I thought that was really funny/ironic (but may also have something to do with the rest of the story) This brings me to today. Just an hour ago I am staring out the back door and see the rabbit zip by me to the left to where he knows he can escape to the fourth yard, which leads to the front yard and street. I decided to go out and look one more time to see if I can find a home and sure enough I grab a fistful of dry pine needles and underneath is a hole the rabbit has dug. I have read a little about the rabbit as a spirit animal or totem and it occurred to me that a rabbit has excellent fertility. I am wondering if his appearance can have any representation to the fact that we are beginning our fertility journey soon. (Back to the eggshell, I feel as though that also has some fertility over-tone) One last thing, when I lived the fistful of needles, there was also a little plastic Mother Mary at the opening of the hole, that was broken at the bottom as if it was broken off of something. This has floated around out backyard since we moved in. I have put it in the garden and in pot and so it was quite ironic to see it there. (This home used to be occupied by a pastor and his family, so I think mother mary came off of one of their possessions)

    Any insight would be GREAT! I would be so happy if this meant we will have success with IVF.

    Thank you!

    • Stacey CouchStacey Couch
      Stacey Couch says:

      Hello Alyssa, It sure does sound like symbols of fertility are abounding! And already, you are doing a great job of connecting with the symbolism surrounding you. The way I work with spirit animals does not involve omenology (i.e. predicting the future). I don’t believe they visit to foretell of what is to come, but to speak and share of what is or what might be needed. They come to affirm where we are. In this case, your intention to be more fertile yourself could very well be drawing the symbols of fertility to you. The spirit animals come to bring us support and power. The rabbit could be bringing fertility into your energy field to help things along. The spirit animals come to teach us about what we’re asking to know. The way the rabbit goes about creating new life and the freedom around that could be a teaching for you. So, as you see the messages are much richer and more varied that you might expect! I wish you all the best in your IVF process. Hope is a good thing to carry you through. Many Blessings, Stacey

  27. Jennifer WestJennifer West
    Jennifer West says:

    Back in February 2005 my father died of pancreatic cancer and ever since then i was interested in having a pet rabbit to keep me company. So i went out and bought a cute little rabbit and named her coco chanel. Then i got 3 others. Shadow, Zen, and Dolce. I had them for 5 years then had to move and unfortunately the apartment i was moving into DIDN’T allow any pets. I had no choice but to give them up to a new home that is stable. I made sure of that. Ever since then i have constant dreams especially of coco chanel. I have dreams where im walking down my old street i grew up on with my mother and father and coco chanel will always hop towards me and this last few weeks shes hopped towards me then leaps into my arms like she wants to cuddle. What could this mean? Does this mean something about my dad? Is it a sign that maybe my father is in spirit with coco chanel and letting me know something?

    • Stacey CouchStacey Couch
      Stacey Couch says:

      Hello Jennifer, All of those are very good questions. Dream interpretation lends itself to finding multiple meanings. This could actually be miss coco chanel’s spirit making contact with and communicating with you. Some animals do have the ability to travel in spirit and visit us. Another way to look at this is seeing coco as an aspect of you that needs nurturing. Are you afraid of being alone without animals in your life? What security and solace do they bring for you? Is there any other way you can bring this energy into your life? This could be the aspect of you that is still tender and vulnerable from the loss of your dad. And, his spirit could very well be bringing through the symbol of your bunny to help comfort and support you in a very special way. I tend to believe that all of these avenues and more are true as they all have the potential to bring great insight. I encourage you to continue to open up to the gift that is these dreams. Many blessings, Stacey

  28. JulieJulie
    Julie says:

    Hello Stacey
    I walk 3 miles to work at 5 am
    brown rabbits have been crossing my path
    saturday 2 brown rabbits
    sunday 1 brown baby rabbit

    then winter white rabbit cross my path too
    Rabbits seem to be attracted to me
    and I love them
    had two bunnies for my daughters when they were young
    Love Julie

    • Stacey CouchStacey Couch
      Stacey Couch says:

      Hello Julie, How fun that you get to interact and be with wild rabbits so often! It is always a blessing when wild animals take the time to cross our paths and show their faces in our presence. It takes us out of our busy minds and into the moment to experience the gentleness of nature. Many Blessings, Stacey

  29. MatthewMatthew
    Matthew says:

    What would you say if I told you..tonight I planned on selling a kitchen aid small hot water heater to someone I did not know but after meeting him and finding out he had drove 30 minutes just to see this item he was unsure how he was going to be able to install it into his bath room I quickly after only a couple minutes insisted that he take it for free because I felt it would be put to more use by him. After doing a small act of kindness I felt relived and something came over me to say “well I hope this act of kindness will give me better luck in my current job hunt. I began to refer to myself as being a superstitious person. This is where the story gets good. I was on my way back home from meeting him turning onto the dirt road I live on and not a few seconds later saw a white rabbit running from the left to the right across the path I was headed. The white rabbit was gone before I could blink but none the less left a very good impression into my mind. After looking up some meanings and significances I was quickly interested in the “rabbit whole” that is the signs of rabbit and other mystical meanings in life. Would like your own personal impression of my story and any details you could help me with to explain why this might fascinate me.

    • Stacey CouchStacey Couch
      Stacey Couch says:

      Hello Matthew, It definitely sounds like you are venturing down the rabbit hole. Questions such as your question as to whether a kind act is rewarded, or even if we should expect a kind act to be repaid, are cosmic questions about the mystical laws of the world. There is a mystical law that every action has an equal and opposite reaction, but when we think about all the combined actions we make in a day it is nearly impossible to predict how they will interact, add, divide, or multiply to create the reaction or response in our world. These aren’t small questions you’re asking, but questions that will open up a whole new universe for you regardless. Many Blessings, Stacey

  30. SarahSarah
    Sarah says:

    On Saturday 2nd December 2017, around 5pm, I saw a small grey rabbit beside my apple tree outside my bedroom window. I called my parents to show him to them and my dad told me to be careful because my cat might come and attack him. I went outside and tried to approach him and he ran off. Then shortly after he returned to the same place near the tree, but my cat came and chased him and the poor fellow was terrified. My mother tried to offer him a carrot, but my cat was still harassing him even though I tried to distract my cat. This is the 4th rabbit I have seen in the past 2 months and I don’t see rabbits all that often where I live. I’m not married or in a relationship, so I don’t think it is relevant to my fertility (I’m an antinatalist anyway). Perhaps it is associated with abundance and a personal transformation which is needed at this time in my life.

    • Stacey CouchStacey Couch
      Stacey Couch says:

      Hello Sarah, Fertility isn’t just about having babies… it is about being ripe with ideas and pregnant with creativity. It is similar to abundance, but moreso about what you gestate and birth into the world via your soul’s gifts. In contrast, abundance is a collection or things or a feeling of richness. Fertility is for you to be the tree that bears good fruit in the world. Many Blessings, Stacey

  31. Sanyo WardSanyo Ward
    Sanyo Ward says:

    I saw a black rabbit today for the very first time ever in my life. Though, I did have 4 wild pet rabbits when I was a little girl but never a black one. However, what surprised me was, as I pulled into the driveway, I saw the rabbit sitting on the lawn, and he didn’t move one bit. He stayed where he was even as I noisily unloaded a few bags of grocery from my car and walked to my front door, opened it and went inside. I called for my son loudly to quickly come and see the black rabbit on our front lawn, now eating some of the grass. My son came looked and asked if we should invite it in, and I said, no way. Nonetheless, a few minutes later. I looked out the window and the rabbit was still there. What does seeing a wild black rabbit means?

    • Stacey CouchStacey Couch
      Stacey Couch says:

      Hello Sanyo, The color black relates to the mystery as well as the womb of pure potential known as the void. With rabbit spirit animal going down the rabbit hole may leave you feeling like you are going into a frightening and new exciting adventure blind. Know you still have support along the way. Many Blessings, Stacey


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