Lasting Love Estimator

Take this test to have us estimate how long your romance will last!

If you fell into a relationship with them, how long do you think it would be able to last? A few months? Years? Or is it a forever kind of connection?

Give your honest answer to these questions about your feelings, and we’ll give you an informed estimate on whether or not the love you’re dreaming of will last.

(Keep in mind that this is just an online quiz! We can make an estimate, but only you know the truth about your relationship.)

A hand giving a heart symbol to another hand.

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Questions Overview

1. Are you two around the same age?
  1. Yes! We're the same age.
  2. They're a little younger than me.
  3. They're a little older than me.
  4. I'm not sure!
2. Have you talked to this person yet?
  1. Yes! And now we talk often.
  2. Once or twice!
  3. Not yet, but I'm working up to it.
  4. It's complicated...
3. How often do you see them?
  1. Every day.
  2. Every week.
  3. Every month.
  4. Rarely, or never.
4. Would you ask them out tomorrow, if you had to?
  1. Yes! I'm not sure why I haven't yet.
  2. Probably, but I'd be super nervous.
  3. Definitely not. They have to ask me!
  4. Probably not. It's not that serious...
5. Which of these do they remind you of:
  1. A treehouse. Safe, familiar, and full of memories.
  2. A sunny lake. Warm, fun, and super refreshing.
  3. The ocean floor. Calm, silent, but overflowing with mystery.
  4. A dim, neon-lit alleyway. Exciting, and maybe a little dangerous.
6. If you could only be together in secret, would you?
  1. I couldn't. I want us to be all or nothing.
  2. I would. Even if we have to be lowkey, I'd do anything to be with them.
  3. I might, but I'd have to see if they're a secret worth keeping.
  4. I'm not sure.
7. What does your life look like 10 years from now?
  1. I'm married and settled down.
  2. I'm partnered, but still enjoying my freedom.
  3. I'm basically single, maybe with a few flings here and there.
  4. I don't know! It's hard to imagine.
8. Imagine your first date. What do you see?
  1. It's a little awkward at first, but we eventually can't stop talking to each other.
  2. We hit it off right away, and it feels like I've known them forever.
  3. It's casual and no big deal. The third or fourth date are when the fireworks start.
  4. It's dreamy, steamy, and lasts for days.
9. Think carefully: Are they the type of person you usually fall for?
  1. They're definitely my type, yes.
  2. In some ways, yes! In others, not so much.
  3. Sort of, but not really. I'm kind of surprised I like them.
  4. Honestly? Not at all. They’re totally new to me.
10. If they told you they just wanted to be friends, how would you feel?
  1. Devastated. I want more, but I'd try to make it work for them.
  2. I'd feel bad, but I think it could work.
  3. I'd feel okay. Friends is fine, as long as they’re in my life.
  4. If we're not dating, I don't want it at all.
11. No judgement: Would you lie about yourself to win them over?
  1. Nope. They should know the real me.
  2. I'd maybe tell a couple of white lies. Who doesn't?
  3. Sure. I'd find a way to tell the truth eventually.
  4. Totally. Fake it til you make it!
12. Imagine touching them. What do you feel?
  1. Strong and stable.
  2. Electricity, sparks, adrenaline.
  3. Sweetness and softness.
  4. Warmth and joy.

Up Your Odds of Romantic Success

Every relationship is a gamble. Will it work out? Or will you move on to the next one? Either way, you’re dedicating your time and energy to making a romance worth rooting for, but the key is putting that time and energy in the right places.

One way to do that is to think about the 4 essential ingredients for romance, and to work on them! Here they are, and how to add more of them to your love life:

Relationships are all about talking! Talking is the most important step to getting a romance off the ground, and also the most important step in making sure that romance stays in the air. Ideally, you can tell your partner anything that’s on your mind, but also feel comfortable when there’s a little mystery. Practice communication by letting them know how you’re feeling each day and why. Don’t be afraid to open up!

If communication means just talking and getting things off your chest, then understanding means listening when the other person is speaking and thinking long and hard about what they mean. Your partner is their own unique person, with different needs and wants, and differences often cause friction. But if you practice understanding, you start to learn that differences are good, actually! They keep things fresh, and make it so that you always have something to talk about. Strive to appreciate your love’s quirks and odd habits, and you’ll go far.

This is one that’s a little too easy to ignore sometimes. We often talk about romances having a “spark,” and this is what we mean! It’s that special spice that brings the two of you closer together, and which makes you happy to wake up and be in love. You can make excitement by sharing new experiences together or having deep and profound discussions about yourselves or the world. Love doesn’t have to be a rollercoaster 100% of the time, but if you’re not getting your heart rate up every now and then, then is your heart really beating?

In a relationship, there should always be something that interests you about your partner, and which keeps your eyes on them. Looks are a good start, but it takes more than looks to make a romance last. Ideally, you’re also madly in love with who they are as a person, and the things they do. If you feel your attraction start to stall, ask them personal questions to uncover more about them, like what they believe or how they see the world.

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