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Any coin trick master can be observed rolling a coin down their fingers from the index to the pinky and back again. It's often referred to as knuckle rolling or the Steeplechase Flourish. You may have seen this trick performed by various "cool" movie characters on the big screen. Although this trick may seem hard to perform, it doesn’t require that much skill. With some dedicated practice and various sized coins, even you can learn this impressive trick.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Positioning The Coin and Your Hand

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  1. Step 1 Choose your coin.
    Depending on the size of your hand and the agility of your fingers, you might want to use a smaller or bigger coin.[1] For example, American quarters tend to work for a lot of people, but you can experiment with different sized and weighted coins to see what works best for you.[2]
    • Bigger and heavier coins may help beginners get better grip and control of the coin.
    • Keep in mind that this trick will require lots of practice. It will take time to coordinate the movements of your fingers while controlling the movement of the coin.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Roll a Coin on Your Knuckles
    Hold the coin in your upturned hand, resting on your fingers. Place your thumb on top of the coin and slide the coin over to the side of the first phalanx of your pointer finger. This is the area right after the knuckle that connects your finger to your hand.
    • As you slide the coin up to your pointer finger, turn your hand over so your palm is facing down.[3]
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Roll a Coin on Your Knuckles
    All of your fingers should be curved downward into a relaxed fist. Your fingers should not be contacting your palm. The first phalanxes of your hand (where you will be rolling the coin) should all be leveled parallel to the floor.
    • Your hand should look like you are holding onto an invisible microphone.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Flipping The Coin

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Roll a Coin on Your Knuckles
    While the coin is resting on the side of your finger, use your thumb to push the coin up, on top of your pointer finger. The coin should be resting flat on the phalanx of your pointer finger.
    • As the coin is resting flat on your pointer finger, slightly raise your middle finger above your index finger.[4]
    • Your raised middle finger will act as a barrier so the coin doesn’t fall off your fingers, but it will also be instrumental to flip the coin over to your next finger.[5]
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Roll a Coin on Your Knuckles
    With your middle finger slightly raised, simultaneously pull down your middle finger and push up your pointer finger.[6] This opposing movement will cause the coin to grip onto the side of your middle finger, fall into the gap between your pointer and middle finger, and flip onto your middle finger phalanx.
    • When you push up with your pointer finger, you push the coin up and away so it can flip onto your middle finger. When you bring down your middle finger, you provide a lower platform for the coin to easily flip onto.
    • When the coin is resting on your middle finger phalanx, slightly raise your ring finger to get ready for the next flip.[7]
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Roll a Coin on Your Knuckles
    Once the coin is resting on your middle finger, you will perform the same action as you did with your previous fingers. With your ring finger already slightly raised, bring down your ring finger while simultaneously pushing up your middle finger.[8] The coin will catch on the side of your ring finger, fall into the space between your two fingers, the then flip as you push up with your middle finger. The coin should flip and land on top of your ring finger phalanx.
    • When the coin is resting on top of your ring finger phalanx, slightly raise your pinky finger.[9]
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Roll a Coin on Your Knuckles
    With the coin resting on your ring finger phalanx, simultaneously push up your ring finger and lower your pinky finger. Try and grip as much of the coin as possible when you lower your pinky finger.
    • Instead of lifting your ring finger up high to flip the coin over, simply allow the coin to fall in the space between your two fingers. Pinch and hold the coin in the space between your two fingers.[10]
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Roll a Coin on Your Knuckles
    With a portion of the coin fallen through the space to the underside of your hand, loosen the pinch on the coin and let it slide through the space until the majority of the coin is on the underside of your hand.[11]
    • Keep a small, top portion of the coin still pinched between your fingers.
  6. Watermark wikiHow to Roll a Coin on Your Knuckles
    Reach your thumb underneath your palm, to the far side of the coin closest to your pinky.[12] Loosen your pinch on the coin, and use your thumb to push the coin flat against your palm. While keeping your thumb on the coin, slide the coin over your fingers and back up to the side of your pointer finger so you can start again.
    • With enough practice, you will be able to balance the coin on the side your thumb and carry it back to your starting position, rather than sliding it across the underside of your fingers.[13] [14]
    • Eventually, you may be able to roll the coin back to your pointer finger from your pinky finger position, rather than sliding it underneath your hand.[15]
  7. Watermark wikiHow to Roll a Coin on Your Knuckles
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Can I do this with a guitar pick instead of a coin?
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    Yes, you can.
  • Question
    What's the middle finger phalanx?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It's the flap of skin in between your middle finger and ring finger.
  • Question
    If I have smaller hands, should I use small or big coins?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It really depends. Bigger coins might be easier for you to control, but they may be too big to easily flip from finger to finger. Experiment with a few different sized coins to see what works best for you.
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  • Angle your hand slightly downward to use gravity to help roll the coin over. This helps gain speed and looks better.
  • Take off your rings when practicing, it makes it much easier.
  • The best practice method for gaining speed is to always carry the coin with you in your pocket and when there is a free moment, use it to busy yourself.
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Co-authors: 59
Updated: March 10, 2025
Views: 875,452
Article SummaryX

To roll a coin on your knuckles, place a quarter between your thumb and index finger, and use your thumb to push the coin across the back of your finger. Then, raise your middle finger and use it to push one side of the coin down, so the coin flips onto the back of your middle finger. Repeat the process, this time using your index finger to push the coin towards your ring finger, until you pinch the coin between your ring and pinky fingers and return it to its starting position. Keep reading to learn how to choose a coin based on your hand size and dexterity!

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    Maya Waalkes

    Jul 12, 2017

    "This helped with knowing exactly how to hold your hand and what the placement of your fingers should be. It also..." more
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