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You've probably heard that laughter is the best medicine, but did you know that it actually can have physical health benefits? Laughing helps relieve stress and tension, boosts your oxygen intake, and can actually help improve your immune system.[1] Even without the physical benefits, though, laughter is just plain good for your mood, so check out these tips to get laughing today!


Smile more.[2]

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  1. If you're having a hard time laughing, try starting with a smile.
    Even a fake smile can trick your body into feeling happier, which can make it easier to slip into laughter. Train yourself to smile as you're working, jogging, and even while you're concentrating reading a book. Make a nice smile your go-to face.
    • As you're walking to work or to the bus, make a point of smiling at each stranger you pass on your way. It's a good way to practice and get ready for laughing, and it's also polite.
    • If you're having trouble even smiling, try making a list of things that you're grateful for. That can make it easier to see more of the positive things around you.[3]
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Force a few chuckles.[4]

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  1. Even a fake laugh can sometimes encourage real giggles.
    When you're alone at your house, or when you're driving to work, try laughing a few times as realistically as you can. Even if you don't find something particularly funny to laugh at, just making yourself laugh can get you started on a healthy giggling fit.
    • Get started with 3 short "ha" sounds, and do several sets of this forced laugh. You'll be surprised at how quickly forced laughs can turn into a legitimate case of the giggles.
    • Try thinking of something you found funny in the past while you're doing this.
    • You can also push out a chuckle when someone else makes a joke, even if you don't think it's funny. They might be able to tell that it isn't a real laugh, but that in itself might get the both of you laughing for real!

Put on some funny videos for a quick laugh.[5]

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  1. If you're feeling down, search "funny videos" in your web browser.
    Click on the first thing that gets your attention—you can find everything from cute kids and silly pets to compilations of pranks. Chances are, it won't take long before you're chuckling to yourself, and a belly laugh might just be close behind.
    • Try checking YouTube channels from funny accounts. For instance, America's Funniest Videos (AFV) has a YouTube channel where they feature the same types of family-friendly videos they show on TV.
    • Videos of people laughing might spark a giggle, as well.
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Watch funny movies and TV programs.[6]

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  1. Every once in awhile, take a break from your usual habits and watch something that will crack you up.
    Even if your taste runs more to drama or horror, if you're lucky, you'll find comedy gold—something that will hit your funny bone every time you watch it, no matter how many times it's been.
    • For instance, try watching a new movie from a funny actor you like, or check out an episode of a sitcom you haven't seen before.
    • Recreate your childhood by laughing at old Saturday morning cartoons like Tom & Jerry or Looney Tunes.

Embrace what you find uniquely funny.[7]

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  1. Pay attention to the things that really hit your funny bone.
    When you find something that makes you laugh, try to find other things that are similar to that—like reading books or watching movies from writers you like, or going to more live shows if you like them. As a bonus, when you find someone who shares your comedic tastes, you'll automatically have something to bond over!
    • Don't be afraid to branch out! You might love written comedy, or you might prefer dark humor, improv, or standup specials.
    • You might also find that you laugh the hardest when you're watching classic comedians like Carol Burnett, Gene Wilder, or the Marx brothers.
    • Even if it seems funny at the time, try to avoid humor that makes someone else the butt of the joke—it is really cruel to the other person.
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Learn to love the sound of your laugh.[8]

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  1. Try not to be self-conscious about your laugh, even if it's especially unique.
    As long as you're laughing for the right reasons, there's no reason to hold back when you get the giggles. In fact, if your laugh really stands out, it might make the people around you laugh even more.
    • Remember, the harder you laugh, the more likely it is that other people will join in with you!
    • If you're uptight about laughing and constantly worried what people will think of you, it's hard to really let go and have fun. If you're hanging out with the kind of people who make fun of someone for laughing, find new friends.

Surround yourself with people who make you laugh.[9]

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  1. It's harder to laugh if you're surrounded by people who bring you down.
    As much as possible, try to spend time around people who make you feel good about yourself, and who share the same sense of humor as you.
    • If you can't change who you're spending time around, try changing the tone of the conversation. If someone is talking about things they don't like, talk about things you do like, instead, for example.
    • Spending time with kids or pets can be a great way to find yourself spontaneously giggling.
    • You don't necessarily have to dump your unfunny friends. Remember, there's a time and place for everything, so it's okay if your friends aren't constantly laughing.
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Try to make other people laugh.[10]

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  1. Spending time around people who make you laugh is great, but sometimes, you have to be the one who brings that energy.
    Try inviting your family and friends to go with you to a comedy show, or pile up on the couch together and watch a funny movie. Once they get the giggles, you're sure to find yourself laughing, too!
    • You might also plan activities that will get everyone laughing, like playing a funny board game or doing a fun activity like playing mini golf or going bowling.

Learn to laugh at your mistakes.[11]

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  1. Learning to laugh at yourself
    is one of the biggest differences between happy people and depressed people. If you can turn awkward moments, mistakes, and shortcomings into opportunities for a good laugh, those things will hold less sway over you.
    • Everyone mucks up at some point, and it doesn't have to define you as a person. Laughing at yourself helps show yourself and the people around you that it's no big deal.
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Try not to dwell on negative subjects.[12]

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  1. Don't let bad news weigh you down, even if it's hard sometimes.
    It's a lot harder to laugh if you're constantly worried about heavy stuff. Instead, try to spend most of your time intentionally focusing on things that are positive or that make you feel good.
    • For instance, it's fine to spend al little time each day catching up on current events, but don't overdo it. The constant flow of negative stories can really bring you down.
    • Similarly, if there's anything upsetting that you're dealing with, set aside some time every day to work through those feelings or strategize about solutions.
    • If you're a newspaper addict, start with the funnies and the human interest stories before you get too deep into the depressing stuff. Switch back and forth to keep your mood light.

Commit to laughing every day.[13]

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  1. It will be easier to laugh spontaneously if you intentionally make yourself laugh at least once every day.
    Practice sets of laughing on your way to work, after you get home, or anytime you want to unwind a bit.
    • Try to keep funny material on hand for when you have a bad day. For instance, you might bookmark your favorite funny YouTube videos, or you might buy a book from your favorite comedian and keep it until a day you really need a pick-me-up.[14]
    • Treating laughter as an exercise will keep your funny muscles strong. Practice laughing with a wide grin and a deep belly chuckle. You'll feel better afterward.
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Try laughter yoga.[15]

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  1. If you find it hard to laugh when you're all alone, check out whether there are any "laughter yoga" groups in your area.
    Like regular yoga, laughter yoga is guided by trained professionals—but instead of improving your flexibility, you'll practice laughing. While it may seem silly to laugh in a big group of strangers, many people attest to its health benefits and the effect of laughter yoga on mood.

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How do you fake a laugh?
    Klare Heston, LCSW
    Klare Heston, LCSW
    Licensed Social Worker
    Klare Heston is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker based in Cleveland, Ohio. With experience in academic counseling and clinical supervision, Klare received her Master of Social Work from the Virginia Commonwealth University in 1983. She also holds a 2-Year Post-Graduate Certificate from the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland, as well as certification in Family Therapy, Supervision, Mediation, and Trauma Recovery and Treatment (EMDR).
    Klare Heston, LCSW
    Licensed Social Worker
    Expert Answer
    In the beginning, you might just have to 'fake it,' and that's okay. If you aren't used to laughing, it might feel unnatural. Just stay with it and keep trying. The other person probably won't know you are faking.
  • Question
    How do I get a nice laugh?
    Klare Heston, LCSW
    Klare Heston, LCSW
    Licensed Social Worker
    Klare Heston is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker based in Cleveland, Ohio. With experience in academic counseling and clinical supervision, Klare received her Master of Social Work from the Virginia Commonwealth University in 1983. She also holds a 2-Year Post-Graduate Certificate from the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland, as well as certification in Family Therapy, Supervision, Mediation, and Trauma Recovery and Treatment (EMDR).
    Klare Heston, LCSW
    Licensed Social Worker
    Expert Answer
    You can practice in front of a mirror or with close friends or family. At first, it may feel strange if you are not used to smiling and laughing. Just stay with it.
  • Question
    How do I laugh at anything?
    Klare Heston, LCSW
    Klare Heston, LCSW
    Licensed Social Worker
    Klare Heston is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker based in Cleveland, Ohio. With experience in academic counseling and clinical supervision, Klare received her Master of Social Work from the Virginia Commonwealth University in 1983. She also holds a 2-Year Post-Graduate Certificate from the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland, as well as certification in Family Therapy, Supervision, Mediation, and Trauma Recovery and Treatment (EMDR).
    Klare Heston, LCSW
    Licensed Social Worker
    Expert Answer
    Practice. But by all means, don't laugh at serious or tragic stuff. Only start by laughing at jokes and stories. Get in the habit of reacting with laughter.
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About This Article

Kendall Payne
Co-authored by:
Writer, Director, & Stand-up Comedian
This article was co-authored by Kendall Payne and by wikiHow staff writer, Amy Bobinger, BA. Kendall Payne is a Writer, Director, and Stand-up Comedian based in Brooklyn, New York. Kendall specializes in directing, writing, and producing comedic short films. Her films have screened at Indie Short Fest, Brooklyn Comedy Collective, Channel 101 NY, and 8 Ball TV. She has also written and directed content for the Netflix is a Joke social channels and has written marketing scripts for Between Two Ferns: The Movie, Astronomy Club, Wine Country, Bash Brothers, Stand Up Specials and more. Kendall runs an IRL internet comedy show at Caveat called Extremely Online, and a comedy show for @ssholes called Sugarp!ss at Easy Lover. She studied at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre and at New York University (NYU) Tisch in the TV Writing Certificate Program. This article has been viewed 835,644 times.
106 votes - 61%
Co-authors: 124
Updated: July 5, 2024
Views: 835,644
Article SummaryX

If you are finding it difficult to laugh, try forcing out a few chuckles when you are alone at your house or in the car. Start by saying “ha ha ha” in different voices to see if it causes you to laugh naturally. To laugh even more, watch funny YouTube videos, read books by comedians, and spend time around people with a sense of humor similar to yours. If you’re still having trouble laughing, try joining a laughter yoga group, where you will be guided to laugh as you relax into different yoga poses. If you want to find humor in life or learn to laugh at yourself, keep reading the article!

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  • Lakshita Suraj

    Lakshita Suraj

    Jul 9, 2017

    "I know how to laugh but I laugh by keeping my hand on my mouth. I wanted to laugh without my hand. "
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