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If your Red Hat Linux PC doesn't include all the software you want, you can install additional software from the internet (whether you have broadband or dial-up) or removable media. This can be accomplished graphically or using the command line.


Understand Linux software.

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  1. In Linux, software is often bundled in packages.
    Packages make it easy to install software without having to compile the source code from scratch. You can install packages using a package manager, which is a tool that downloads the packages from repositories (repos) and installs them in a few easy steps.
    • Package managers automatically resolve dependencies on other software libraries.
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Open a terminal window.

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  1. Open a Terminal.
    You'll find Terminal in Applications > System Tools, or you can right-click the desktop and select Terminal.

Become the root user.

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  1. If you're installing system-wide software, you'll need administrative privileges.
    Type su - and type the root password when prompted.
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Update the package lists.

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  1. To get the latest software packages, you'll need to update the yum package manager.
    To do this, just type yum check-update and press Enter.

Install a package using yum.

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  1. Type yum install "program name" and press ↵ Enter.
    For example, to install the Dillo web browser, you would type yum install dillo.
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Confirm the installation.

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  1. Press the Y key to start installing the software.
    The software will now install. Once the installation is complete, you'll return to the command prompt.

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    How do I install IP messenger in Red Hat Linux?
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    IP messenger in Red Hat Linux is not available for Apple or DELL-- it is only available in PC Windows 10.
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Updated: September 16, 2022
Views: 146,277
Categories: Linux
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