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Get your cat warm and dry after a bath
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Your cat is probably irritated with you if you've just given them a bath. Learn how to quickly and comfortably dry your cat without tangling their fur or damaging their skin. All you need is a clean towel and a warm room. Once your cat's fur is dry, spend a few minutes brushing and snuggling them so they grow to tolerate bathtime. Eventually, your cat might actually enjoy all the special attention!

Drying a Cat With a Towel

To towel-dry your cat, lay a soft and dry towel next to the bath or sink. Spread it out so you can use it immediately once getting your cat out. Wrap the short ends around your cat to enclose them in. Sit with the wrapped cat for a few minutes to calm them before squeezing the towel against its body lightly.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Towel-Drying Your Cat

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  1. Spread out the towel so you can immediately use it once you're done bathing your cat. If you think the cat might shake and get the area wet, you may want to have an extra towel close by.[1]

    Tip: If you have a towel warmer, drape the towel over it while your cat is getting washed. Then, the towel will be warm for when they're ready to dry off.

  2. Your cat will probably start to squirm as soon as you set it on the towel so hold them securely with 1 hand. Use your other hand to quickly bring the sides of the towel over your cat to enclose them. Then, pull the sides of the towel away from your cat's head.[3]
    • Your cat might be uncomfortable or shaking with cold so try to work quickly and gently.
  3. To calm your cat, cuddle with them for a few minutes before you start drying them. Ensure that they're wrapped in the towel so they don't get too cold. Hold them securely until they seem comfortable or at least they're not trying to jump out of your arms.[4]
    • If the towel feels wet, replace it with a fresh towel so it absorbs more moisture.
  4. Press the towel against your cat's body so it begins to soak up the water from their fur. Don't rub the towel back and forth as you dry the cat or you could tangle the hair. Instead, squeeze the towel using a blotting motion.[5]
    • Keep towel drying until the fur is damp, but not dripping wet.
  5. If you've managed to remove most of the moisture from your cat's fur, it will quickly air dry. Remove the wet towel and put your cat into a room with a heat source so the warm air finishes drying the cat.[6]
    • Don't put your cat directly next to the heat source. Instead, turn up the temperature in the room or set up a small room heater and lay out a soft towel for your cat to curl up on as it dries.
  6. Cats can become scared or aggressive with hearing the sound of a hairdryer so you should never use it on old, fragile, or sensitive cats. Since a hairdryer might dry out or irritate your cat's skin, it's probably a good idea to skip the hairdryer altogether.[7]
    • You might see professional groomers use stand dryers to quickly dry your cat. These are designed to be quiet, gentle, and efficient.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Brushing and Rewarding Your Cat

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  1. If you have a short-haired cat, find a fine-tooth comb or brush. To prevent pulling on longer hair, choose a wide-toothed comb.[8] You can find brushes or combs made from plastic, rubber, or metal, so try a few different styles to find what your cat prefers.[9]
    • Keep a wide-toothed comb on hand for detangling matted fur.
  2. Once your cat's fur is completely dry, take a wide-toothed comb and brush their abdomen and legs. Brush the fur up towards their head and comb along their back, too. Gently finish by running the comb near your cat's head and brushing the tail.[10]
    • To prevent hairballs and tangling, brush your long-haired cat every day.

    Tip: If you find mats in the fur, especially near the armpits and legs, use your fingers to loosen the strands of hair. If you can't get the mat out, take a comb and gently tease the mat apart.

  3. Run a fine-tooth comb through your cat's dry fur. Start near their head and brush in the direction the hair is growing down to the tail.[11] Remember to brush the cat's abdomen as well.[12]
    • Make brushing your short-haired cat part of your weekly routine. Regular brushing reduces dander and prevents hairballs.
  4. As soon as you finish bathing and brushing the cat, offer them a few food treats. Rewarding your cat helps them make positive associations with getting groomed so they may be more cooperative the next time you bathe them.[13]
    • You should also give your cat lots of gentle pets and give them verbal praise. For example, say, "You're such a good kitty!"
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    Can I let my cat air dry?
    Daniel Lioy-Ryan, PhD
    Daniel Lioy-Ryan, PhD
    Animal Behaviorist
    Dr. Daniel Lioy-Ryan is an Animal Behaviorist and the Co-Founder of Cats in the City. With over a decade of experience, he specializes in understanding animal behavior, safely grooming cats, and working with cats at all life stages. Dr. Lioy-Ryan holds a PhD in Neuroscience from The Oregon Health & Science University.
    Daniel Lioy-Ryan, PhD
    Animal Behaviorist
    Expert Answer
    That is debatable and depends on different factors, but it is super important to get a cat thoroughly dry after bathing, especially if it has longer fur or a really full coat. So, if you're going to go through the effort of bathing, you have got to be prepared to go through the effort of drying kitty properly.
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  • If your cat really dislikes getting bathed or dried, ask a friend to help you. They can towel dry your cat at the same time you do so your cat dries off faster.
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Things You'll Need

  • Towels
  • Cat brush or comb
  • Food treats

About This Article

Daniel Lioy-Ryan, PhD
Co-authored by:
Animal Behaviorist
This article was co-authored by Daniel Lioy-Ryan, PhD and by wikiHow staff writer, Jessica Gibson. Dr. Daniel Lioy-Ryan is an Animal Behaviorist and the Co-Founder of Cats in the City. With over a decade of experience, he specializes in understanding animal behavior, safely grooming cats, and working with cats at all life stages. Dr. Lioy-Ryan holds a PhD in Neuroscience from The Oregon Health & Science University. This article has been viewed 55,216 times.
26 votes - 91%
Co-authors: 4
Updated: January 17, 2025
Views: 55,216
Categories: Grooming Cats
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