To clean your Air Jordans, remove surface dirt and stains on a regular basis. Deep clean your shoes when needed with dish washing soap and a shoe brush. Clean or replace your laces often to keep your shoes looking fresh. To deodorize your Air Jordans, use teabags, a vinegar spray, or baking soda.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Basic Cleaning

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  1. Step 1 Dislodge dirt and dust.
    Remove your Air Jordans and knock the soles together to remove any debris that might be lodged on them. Use a paper towel or shoe brush like this to remove visible fragments of dust and dirt on them. Use a toothbrush or small cloth to get dirt out of the shoes’ creases and corners.
    • Remove debris from your shoes outdoors, or over a covered or easy to clean surface.
  2. Step 2 Wipe down the soles.
    Dampen a cloth or small sponge with warm water. Wipe down the upper and mid soles of your shoes to remove superficial marks or stains. For the mid soles, you can also use magic eraser cleaning pads for a brighter clean. You can find them on Amazon here.
  3. Step 3 Use sneaker cleaning wipes.
    Purchase cleaning wipes that are specially designed for sneakers for quick, on the go cleaning. Wipes can be used to remove surface stains from your shoes as soon as they occur. In a pinch, ordinary baby wipes can also be used to remove dirt or stains from your shoes.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Deep Cleaning

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  1. Step 1 Scrub them with cold water and dish soap.
    Using cold water, wet the bristles of a shoe brush (available in shoe stores or online) and add a few drops of dish washing liquid. Scrub your shoes all over, wetting the brush and reapplying soap when necessary. For hard to reach spots, use a toothbrush.
  2. Step 2 Rinse off the soap with cold water.
    Rinse the soap off your shoes in the sink under a gentle stream of cool water. Avoid using hot water, which can damage the material and glue on your shoes. Shake excess water off of the shoes, squeeze the material, and pat the shoes down with a dry paper towel to remove excess water.[1]
  3. Step 3 Dry your shoes in front of a fan.
    Place your wet Air Jordans in front of an electric fan to dry. The wind movement will help to dry the shoes and prevent water damage. Do not use a blow dryer on your shoes or place them near a heat source, as heat can damage the glue that holds the shoes together.[2]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Cleaning Your Laces

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  1. Step 1 Put laces in the washing machine.
    To clean your shoelaces in the washing machine, choose a gentle, cold water setting. Remove the laces from your shoes and place them in a mesh laundry bag to keep them from tangling around the agitator. If you do not have a mesh bag, place your laces inside a pillowcase and tie it shut before placing it in the washing machine.[3]
  2. Step 2 Soak the laces.
    In a small bowl, mix warm water with approximately one tablespoon of detergent. Place the laces in the bowl, stir them around for approximately ten seconds, then let them soak for twenty minutes. Remove the laces, rinse them under warm water, and place them on a towel to air dry.[4]
  3. Step 3 Buy new laces.
    If your laces are too soiled and dirty to clean effectively, buy new ones at a shoe store, sports store, or online. Shoe laces naturally suffer a great deal of wear and tear and should be replaced if they become frayed or discolored. New laces are an excellent way to make your Air Jordans look clean and new and you can easily purchase them on Amazon here.
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Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Deodorizing Your Shoes

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  1. Step 1 Use tea bags.
    To remove odor from your Air Jordans, place 3 teabags of your choice in each shoe and let them sit for 24 hours. The tea bags will draw out the moisture from your shoes that leads to odor-causing bacteria. Opt for a fresh flavor of tea (e.g. peppermint or lavender) for especially clean-smelling shoes.[5]
  2. Step 2 Spray them with a vinegar and water mixture.
    In a spray bottle, mix together equal parts water and white vinegar. Spray the inside of your Air Jordans. Place the shoes in front of an electric fan to dry. [6]
  3. Step 3 Use baking soda.
    Avoid sprinkling baking soda directly into your Air Jordans, as direct contact with baking soda can cause certain materials to become brittle. Pour a tablespoon of baking soda inside a coffee filter, dryer sheet, or piece of cloth and tie the bundle together with an elastic. Place one of these bundles inside each shoe for approximately 24 hours to freshen them.[7]
    • For heavy odors, place 2 or 3 baking soda bundles in each shoe to deodorize them.
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    Can I wash my Air Force Ones in the washer?
    Marc Sigal
    Marc Sigal
    Shoe Care Specialist
    Marc Sigal is a Shoe Care Specialist based in Los Angeles. Marc has over 19 years of experience working in the world of e-commerce, with extensive experience with the care of luxury goods. He is currently the VP of Strategic Partnerships at Blutag, an e-commerce platform helping consumers find products. Prior to Blutag, he founded ButlerBox, a dry cleaning and shoe care service based in Los Angeles, California. ButlerBox reinvented amenity services by placing custom-designed, wrinkle-resistant lockers in luxury apartment buildings, class A office buildings, shopping centers, and other convenient locations. The company got acquired by in 2021. Marc has a BA in Global and International Studies from the University of California, Santa Barbara.
    Marc Sigal
    Shoe Care Specialist
    Expert Answer
    It's generally not a good idea to throw your shoes in the washing machine. For sneakers, use a combination of warm water and a mild detergent to wipe away any blemishes or marks. You may be able to brush dirt and mud out of your shoes with a clean brush as well. Let your shoes air dry in front of a fan after cleaning them if you use water.
  • Question
    What if the logo is dirty and almost permanent?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Clean the logo with a harsher chemical like bleach, or HCl, or simply try a microfiber cloth with some hot soapy water.
  • Question
    My toddler had an accident and the urine got inside the sneakers. How can I clean them? Can I wash them in the machine?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can machine wash. Once you have cleaned the whole shoe by damp wiping with a soapy cloth, including the foot pad, take out the laces and foot pad. Then put the shoes in the wash with cooled water. Use a low tumble. It helps to put the shoes in a pillow case, knot it and add a big thick towel to the wash to prevent unbalancing of the machine.
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About This Article

Marc Sigal
Co-authored by:
Shoe Care Specialist
This article was co-authored by Marc Sigal. Marc Sigal is a Shoe Care Specialist based in Los Angeles. Marc has over 19 years of experience working in the world of e-commerce, with extensive experience with the care of luxury goods. He is currently the VP of Strategic Partnerships at Blutag, an e-commerce platform helping consumers find products. Prior to Blutag, he founded ButlerBox, a dry cleaning and shoe care service based in Los Angeles, California. ButlerBox reinvented amenity services by placing custom-designed, wrinkle-resistant lockers in luxury apartment buildings, class A office buildings, shopping centers, and other convenient locations. The company got acquired by in 2021. Marc has a BA in Global and International Studies from the University of California, Santa Barbara. This article has been viewed 229,892 times.
12 votes - 70%
Co-authors: 8
Updated: February 24, 2025
Views: 229,892
Categories: Cleaning Shoes
Article SummaryX

Cleaning your Air Jordans is an important step in keeping them looking fresh, and all you need are a few household items. To do a light cleaning, brush off any loose dirt or dust with a toothbrush. Then, wipe down the soles with a cloth and warm water. For a deeper clean, wet a toothbrush in cold water mixed with a little dish soap and scrub away dirt and stains. Then, rinse off the soap with cold water. Avoid using hot water while cleaning since it can damage the material and glue on your shoes. Once you’ve rinsed your shoes, set them in front of a fan to dry. If your shoes are smelly, place a tablespoon of baking soda in a coffee filter, tie it with an elastic, then place it in your shoes for 24 hours to soak up odors. To learn how to use vinegar to clean your Air Jordans, read on!

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