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description: head of the Portuguese government
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119. António Costa (Q610788) 2015-11-26 –
118. Pedro Passos Coelho (Q57615) 2011-06-21 – 2015-11-26
117. José Sócrates (Q182367) 2005-03-12 – 2011-06-21
116. Pedro Santana Lopes (Q239248) 2004-07-17 – 2005-03-12
115. José Manuel Durão Barroso (Q15849) 2002-04-06 – 2004-07-17
114. António Guterres (Q311440) 1995-10-28 – 2002-04-06
113. Aníbal Cavaco Silva (Q57398) 1985-11-06 – 1995-10-28
112. Mário Soares (Q156781) 1983-06-09 – 1985-11-06
111. Francisco Pinto Balsemão (Q381029) 1981-01-09 – 1983-06-09
110. Diogo de Freitas do Amaral (Q438868) 1980-12-04 – 1981-01-09
109. Francisco de Sá Carneiro (Q367010) 1980-01-03 – 1980-12-04
108. Maria de Lourdes Pintasilgo (Q235916) 1979-08-01 – 1980-01-03
107. Carlos Mota Pinto (Q388965) 1978-11-22 – 1979-08-01
106. Alfredo Nobre da Costa (Q720915) 1978-08-28 – 1978-11-22
105. Mário Soares (Q156781) 1976-07-23 – 1978-08-28
104. José Baptista Pinheiro de Azevedo (Q722270) 1975-09-19 – 1976-06-23
103. Vasco Gonçalves (Q712532) 1974-07-18 – 1975-09-19
102. Adelino da Palma Carlos (Q355202) 1974-05-16 – 1974-07-18  Missing fields [1]
101. Marcelo Caetano (Q310870) 1968-09-27 – 1974-04-25  Inconsistent successor [2]
100. António de Oliveira Salazar (Q151394) 1932-07-05 – 1968-09-27  Missing fields [3]
Bernardino Machado (Q455317) 1921-03-02 – 1921-05-24  Inconsistent predecessor [4] Inconsistent successor [5]
Francisco José Fernandes (Q357932) 1920-01-15 – 1920-01-15  Missing fields [6]
Sidónio Pais (Q356691) 1917-12-05 – 1918-12-14  Inconsistent predecessor [7] Inconsistent successor [8]
Augusto de Vasconcelos (Q769876) 1911-11-12 – 1912-06-16  Inconsistent predecessor [9] Inconsistent successor [10]
António José de Ávila, 1st Duke of Ávila and Bolama (Q611078) 1877-03-06 – 1878-01-06  Inconsistent predecessor [11] Inconsistent successor [12]
António José de Ávila, 1st Duke of Ávila and Bolama (Q611078) 1870-10-29 – 1871-09-13  Inconsistent predecessor [13] Inconsistent successor [14]
António José de Ávila, 1st Duke of Ávila and Bolama (Q611078) 1868-01-04 – 1868-07-22  Inconsistent predecessor [15] Inconsistent successor [16]
Pedro de Sousa Holstein, 1st Duke of Palmela (Q982358) 1834-09-24 – 1835-05-04  Missing fields [17]
Nuno José Severo de Mendoça Rolim de Moura Barreto, 1st Duke of Loulé (Q116972)  Missing fields [18]
Francisco da Veiga Beirão (Q1392575)  Missing fields [19]
João Tamagnini Barbosa (Q226023)  Missing fields [20]
Joaquim Pimenta de Castro (Q305493)  Missing fields [21]
Anselmo José Braamcamp (Q321278)  Missing fields [22]
Afonso Costa (Q383401)  Missing fields [23]
José Travassos Valdez, 1st Count of Bonfim (Q560962)  Missing fields [24]
Fontes Pereira de Melo (Q611180)  Missing fields [25]
Artur Ivens Ferraz (Q714463)  Missing fields [26]
Domingos Oliveira (Q727082)  Missing fields [27]
José Vicente de Freitas (Q982204)  Missing fields [28]
Position created: 1974-05-16
  1. Adelino da Palma Carlos (Q355202) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  2. Marcelo Caetano (Q310870) has a replaced by (P1366) of National Salvation Junta (Q1701778), but is followed by Adelino da Palma Carlos (Q355202) here
  3. António de Oliveira Salazar (Q151394) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  4. Bernardino Machado (Q455317) has a replaces (P1365) of Liberato Pinto (Q281702), but follows Francisco José Fernandes (Q357932) here
  5. Bernardino Machado (Q455317) has a replaced by (P1366) of Tomé de Barros Queirós (Q331429), but is followed by António de Oliveira Salazar (Q151394) here
  6. Francisco José Fernandes (Q357932) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  7. Sidónio Pais (Q356691) has a replaces (P1365) of Afonso Costa (Q383401), but follows Augusto de Vasconcelos (Q769876) here
  8. Sidónio Pais (Q356691) has a replaced by (P1366) of João do Canto e Castro (Q878572), but is followed by Francisco José Fernandes (Q357932) here
  9. Augusto de Vasconcelos (Q769876) has a replaces (P1365) of João Pinheiro Chagas (Q580523), but follows António José de Ávila, 1st Duke of Ávila and Bolama (Q611078) here
  10. Augusto de Vasconcelos (Q769876) has a replaced by (P1366) of Duarte Leite (Q1261617), but is followed by Sidónio Pais (Q356691) here
  11. António José de Ávila, 1st Duke of Ávila and Bolama (Q611078) has a replaces (P1365) of Fontes Pereira de Melo (Q611180), but follows António José de Ávila, 1st Duke of Ávila and Bolama (Q611078) here
  12. António José de Ávila, 1st Duke of Ávila and Bolama (Q611078) has a replaced by (P1366) of Fontes Pereira de Melo (Q611180), but is followed by Augusto de Vasconcelos (Q769876) here
  13. António José de Ávila, 1st Duke of Ávila and Bolama (Q611078) has a replaces (P1365) of Bernardo de Sá Nogueira de Figueiredo, 1st Marquis of Sá da Bandeira (Q669820), but follows António José de Ávila, 1st Duke of Ávila and Bolama (Q611078) here
  14. António José de Ávila, 1st Duke of Ávila and Bolama (Q611078) has a replaced by (P1366) of Fontes Pereira de Melo (Q611180), but is followed by António José de Ávila, 1st Duke of Ávila and Bolama (Q611078) here
  15. António José de Ávila, 1st Duke of Ávila and Bolama (Q611078) has a replaces (P1365) of Joaquim António de Aguiar (Q1392619), but follows Pedro de Sousa Holstein, 1st Duke of Palmela (Q982358) here
  16. António José de Ávila, 1st Duke of Ávila and Bolama (Q611078) has a replaced by (P1366) of Bernardo de Sá Nogueira de Figueiredo, 1st Marquis of Sá da Bandeira (Q669820), but is followed by António José de Ávila, 1st Duke of Ávila and Bolama (Q611078) here
  17. Pedro de Sousa Holstein, 1st Duke of Palmela (Q982358) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  18. Nuno José Severo de Mendoça Rolim de Moura Barreto, 1st Duke of Loulé (Q116972) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  19. Francisco da Veiga Beirão (Q1392575) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  20. João Tamagnini Barbosa (Q226023) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  21. Joaquim Pimenta de Castro (Q305493) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  22. Anselmo José Braamcamp (Q321278) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  23. Afonso Costa (Q383401) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  24. José Travassos Valdez, 1st Count of Bonfim (Q560962) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  25. Fontes Pereira de Melo (Q611180) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  26. Artur Ivens Ferraz (Q714463) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  27. Domingos Oliveira (Q727082) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  28. José Vicente de Freitas (Q982204) is missing start time (P580), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)