Topic on User talk:M2k~dewiki

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Reing (talkcontribs)

I think your (today) edits of wikidata Q229283 are incorrect. Number (disambiguation) is different from Zahl, because the second is not disambicuation page. Similar for DeltaBot, unfortunately.

M2k~dewiki (talkcontribs)
Reing (talkcontribs)

...] Disambiguation pages are grouped by form, not by meaning. All the Wikipedia and Wikivoyage pages with sitelinks to a Wikidata page should have exact same spelling [...]

this does not make a sense, this will make it impossible to find the corresponding page in another language

M2k~dewiki (talkcontribs)
Reing (talkcontribs)

Your last revert id incorrect:

Disambiguation pages in other projects should be linked only to disambiguation items, and disambiguation items should contain only site links to disambiguation pages. (based on Wikidata link you just send to me)

It would be better to turn the de Zahl (which is labeled as disambiguation page) into an article and create a new disambiguation page (with less extensive text, see corresponding guidelines for disambiguation pages) and link the second to Q229283

M2k~dewiki (talkcontribs)
Reing (talkcontribs)

Mea culpa. I do not speak German and I was mistaken by the symbol, which in is used for labeling page as disambiguation.

Still de: Numbers do not match other languages in Q229283

It is evident that you are more skilled in this then I am. I need help. There are disambiguation pages with equivalent content and I want to link them with cs one. Is there any possibility?

M2k~dewiki (talkcontribs)

A disambiguation page does not have a "meaning" (as a regular article has), the links listed on a disambiguation page could point to anything, like firstnames, surnames, names of places, names of movies, songs, albums, etc. I it just used as a navigational element to help users to navigate to the different actual meanings (i.e. regular articles). Therefore in wikidata the only criteria for matching disambiguation items is the label, since the label of a disambiguation item could have any meaning (translating in a different language would only possible, if the label would have a actual meaning). So if you want to connect disambiguation items to cs disambiguation pages just connect items/disambiguation pages with the same label.

Reing (talkcontribs)

I think it is done by Q229283 except the mentioned mismatch which I tried to fix

M2k~dewiki (talkcontribs)
Reing (talkcontribs)

This is not about my question. There are two groups of languages in Q229283 the first match with cs Číslo (rozcestník), the others match with de Numbers. The mismatch was made at the begining when Q229283 was created. Regarding it was made by russian bot, intended meaning is the first. The ones focused purely on Numbers as name and not number are included mistakenly. That is why I included cs Číslo (rozcestník) and deleted the second group and still believe it was correct.

M2k~dewiki (talkcontribs)
Reing (talkcontribs)

It is already boring me, the item is just another mismatch, originally created by de bot for diambiguation pages containig surname Cisłoło which was the only input there yesterday. Again: I fixed the mismatch, but DeltaBot and you mismatched it back and you create more mismatches. Why?

M2k~dewiki (talkcontribs)
Reing (talkcontribs)

de Cisło = cs Cisło = pl Cisło ... is what is Q20758495 intended for, if such disambiguation page exist (not in cs)

de Zahl = cs Číslo = pl Liczba ... is what is Q229283 intended for, if such disambiguation page exist (not in de)łois disambiguation page in de, there is not such disambiguation page in pl or cs

M2k~dewiki (talkcontribs)
  • d:Q20758495 is a disambiguation item for disambiguation pages with labels Cisło, Cislo or Číslo in any language (including transcriptions e.g. cyrillic)
  • d:Q229283 is a disambiguation item for disambiguation pages with label "Numbers" in any language (including transcriptions e.g. cyrillic)
Reing (talkcontribs)

As I wrote earlier, this is not the intention of the items in time they were created (especially with Q20758495). Which authority, why and when it changed?

Reing (talkcontribs)

Thank you for your patience. I think it is boring for both of us. As I mentioned earlier I still consider myself as a beginner. Now it seems to me that both cs Číslo (rozcestník) and de Cisło does not fit with intended meaning of disambiguation, which led me to so many confusions, apart of d:Q229283 (still) mismatched (opposite than my previous opinion). Again: Thank you.

M2k~dewiki (talkcontribs)
M2k~dewiki (talkcontribs)
Reing (talkcontribs)

So it is more complex mismatch based (not only) on differences between en Number (disambiguation), Numbers, Numero...

  • Majority of languages in Q229283 is equivalent of Number (disambiguation) but this is in
  • Q4516286 where pt is incorrect, ru (and probably ja) is correct (other unable to check)
  • Q140598 - all correct, ie I made mistake in the next:
  • Q229283 de Numbers changed to Zahl, da, fr, nl still mismatched
  • Q7069673 es and it moved to Q229283
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