Wikidata:Property proposal/CDC Stacks ID

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‎CDC Stacks ID


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Generic

   Done: CDC Stacks ID (P12706) (Talk and documentation)
Descriptionidentifier in the CDC Stacks publication repository
Data typeExternal identifier
Domainitem, publication (Q732577)
Allowed values\d{3,6}
Example 1Morbidity study at a chemical dump - New York (Q66587319)CDC Stacks ID1264
Example 2The Challenges of H1N1 (Q122929791)CDC Stacks ID78557
Example 3Gallium and germanium recovery from domestic sources (Q26359446)CDC Stacks ID10144
Planned useConverting existing full work available at URL (P953) statements and adding statements from internal sources
Number of IDs in source~150k
Expected completenesseventually complete (Q21873974)
Formatter URL$1
Wikidata projectWikimedia–NIOSH collaboration (Q104416361)



CDC Stacks is the publication repository of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It holds many publications which are gray literature or are otherwise not included in other publication databases such as PubMed. NIOSH is in the process of moving a large number of publications from its own website into CDC Stacks, and so having this property would streamline tracking the changes on Wikidata.  – The preceding unsigned comment was added by John P. Sadowski (NIOSH) (talk • contribs) at 22:35, May 1, 2024‎ (UTC).



 Support ArthurPSmith (talk) 20:37, 9 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]