party-goers at the Indianapolis home of Carl and Jane Fisher line the deck of the Fishers’ glassed-in swimming pool in the summer of 1922. Jane Fisher spent afternoons between the […]
National War Garden Commission. Vigo County Canning Clubs. Indiana farmerettes at a War Garden exhibit in Washington, DC, circa 1918
girls seem to be having the time of their lives as they take a spin on the Maypole swing at the Willard Park playground, Indianapolis, Indiana, in 1929. The park, […]
dolls story hour at Spades Park Branch Library, Indianapolis, Indiana, April 1928
the girls’ school of home economics demonstrated the art of basket making at the 1927 Indiana State Fair
interpretive dancing around the Depew Memorial Fountain in University Park, Indianapolis on April 21, 1926, marking the 10th anniversary of the fountain. Gardeners in the park dropped their trowels and […]
Thomas Madden, Son & Co. Furniture, Indianapolis, Indiana
Thomas Madden, Son & Co. Furniture, Indianapolis, Indiana
Monument Circle’s Southwest Quadrant, including the Test Building, White Cafeteria, the Morton Hotel, and Edison Light, during Christmastime, Indianapolis